Bitmain 的生意愈做愈大了...

Bitmain 做到打算直接弄一座 data center 來挖 Bitcoin:「Chinese firm building 135MW bitcoin data centre」。居然還是用綠色能源來玩出全世界第三大吃電資料中心:

The complex, which will be capable of pulling 135 megawatts of power placing it at #3 of the most powerful data centres in the world, will operate primarily on wind and solar power.

Bitmain 的 AntPool 應該是目前最大的 mining pool:

Bitmain already controls an estimated 18.6% of hashpower worldwide, and many independent miners in the community expressed concern that controlling a massive data centre dedicated to mining bitcoin would give the company too much influence over bitcoin.

關於 AntPool 佔整個 pool 的計算力這邊是寫 18.6%,不過照「Bitcoin Hashrate Distribution」這邊的資料,目前降到 17.4% 了... 而我記得各種攻擊手法中,最低的應該是 25% 的攻擊:「Majority is not Enough: Bitcoin Mining is Vulnerable」,不知道會不會超過...