Amazon EC2 AMI 的 root volume 可以直接抽換了

這個功能等了十年以上總算是出現了,Amazon EC2 的 AMI 總算是能直接抽換 root volume,不用先停掉機器:「Amazon EC2 enables easier patching of guest operating system and applications with Replace Root Volume」。

Starting today, Amazon EC2 supports the replacement of instance root volume using an updated AMI without requiring customers to stop their instance. This allows customers to easily update their applications and guest operating system, while retaining the instance store data, networking and IAM configuration.

算是 pre-container 時代會遇到的問題,後來大家都把 workaround 變成 practice 了:每次需要時候都是直接整包重新打包 (像是 Packer 這類的工具),然後用工具更新 AMI id 改開新的機器,這樣就能夠避開需要先停掉現有機器的問題...

怎麼會突然想到要回來支援這個功能 XD

FreeBSD 的 Amazon EC2 Image 打算自動使用本機空間當作 Swap

Twitter 上看到 Colin Percival 說計畫將 FreeBSD EC2 image (AMI) 自動偵測並使用 ephemeral disk 的空間當作 swap:

就算是使用 EBSgp2 或是 gp3,甚至是其他 VPS,我也很習慣開一點點的 swap 空間來用 (通常是用 file swap 的方式開 512MB,無論記憶體有多大),這算是我自己的 best practice 了,這可以把一些完全沒用到的 daemon 塞進 swap。

不過對於已經把 ephemeral disk 規劃拿來用的人可能會不太開心,需要去改設定...

AWS 將會把超過兩年的 EC2 AMI 自動設為 Deprecated

AWS 的公告,超過兩年的 EC2 AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) 將會被標為 deprecated:「Amazon EC2 now reduces visibility of public Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) older than two years」。

標成 deprecated 後主要的差異會是在 DescribeImages 這隻 API 上,除了 image 的擁有人外,其他人都不會顯示出來:

Once an AMI is deprecated, it will no longer appear in DescribeImages API calls for users that aren’t the owner of the AMI.

不過知道 AMI 的 id 還是可以直接開:

Users of a deprecated AMI can continue to launch instances and describe the deprecated AMI using its ID.

沒有特地說明原因,但應該是考慮到安全性,這年頭超過兩年不更新的系統大概都有一堆洞?不過馬上就想到 OpenBSD 好像未必...

Amazon EC2 提供跨區直接複製 AMI (Image) 的功能

Amazon EC2AMI 可以跨區複製了:「Amazon EC2 now allows you to copy Amazon Machine Images across AWS GovCloud, AWS China and other AWS Regions」。

如同公告提到的,在這個功能出來以前,想要產生一樣的 image 得重新在 build 一份:

Previously, to copy AMIs across these AWS regions, you had to rebuild the AMI in each of them. These partitions enabled data isolation but often made this copy process complex, time-consuming and expensive.

有一些限制,image 大小必須在 1TB 以下,另外需要存到 S3 上,不過這些限制應該是還好:

This feature provides a packaged format that allows AMIs of size 1TB or less to be stored in AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) and later moved to any other region.

然後目前只有透過 cli 操作的方式,或是直接用 SDK 呼叫 API,看起來 web console 還沒提供:

This functionality is available through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and the AWS Software Development Kit (AWS SDK). To learn more about copying AMIs across these partitions, please refer to the documentation.

AWS 推出第二代的官方 Linux AMI:Amazon Linux 2

AWS 推出了第二代的官方 Linux AMI:「Introducing Amazon Linux 2」。這個版本提供五年 LTS 維護:

Amazon Linux 2 will offer extended availability of software updates for the core operating system through 5 years of long-term support and provides access to the latest software packages through the Amazon Linux Extras repository.


Amazon Linux 2 provides a modern execution environment with LTS Kernel (4.9) tuned for optimal performance on Amazon Web Services (AWS), systemd support, and newer tooling (gcc 7.2.1, glibc 2.25, binutils 2.27).

不過對 YUM-based 的系統不是很愛,應該還是會繼續龜在 Ubuntu 下...

AWS 提供 Windows 上的 Deep Learning AMI

有一些 Windows 上的東西就可以直接開起來跑了:「Announcing New AWS Deep Learning AMI for Microsoft Windows」。

目前支援 2012 R2 與 2016:

Amazon Web Services now offers an AWS Deep Learning AMI for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016.

然後 driver 與常用的東西都包進去了:

The AMIs also include popular deep learning frameworks such as Apache MXNet, Caffe and Tensorflow, as well as packages that enable easy integration with AWS, including launch configuration tools and many popular AWS libraries and tools. The AMIs come prepackaged with Nvidia CUDA 9, cuDNN 7, and Nvidia 385.54 drivers, and contain the Anaconda platform (supports Python versions 2.7 and 3.5).

AWS 推出可以在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 上跑 Microsoft SQL Server 的 AMI

自從 Microsoft SQL Server 宣佈可以在 Linux 上跑後 (參考「Microsoft SQL Server 出 Linux 版...」),就沒看到什麼 Linux 上跑 SQL Server 的消息了... 結果在這波 AWS 的活動上推出了 RHEL 上跑 SQL Server 的消息:「Amazon EC2 now offers SQL Server 2017 with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4」。

SQL Server 2017 is now available for Amazon EC2 instances running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.4 as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the AWS Marketplace. With this release, you can now launch RHEL instances on-demand using SQL Server 2017 Enterprise License Included AMIs without having to bring your own license. SQL Server 2017 on RHEL 7.4 AMI is available in all public AWS regions starting today.


在 CLI 下開關以及查詢 EC2 的狀態...

有時候需要開 Ubuntu 測試東西,會在 AWS 上開 EC2 起來測試,但開 console 太麻煩了,寫幾個 function 丟進 shell script 裡面比較乾脆。其中查詢 Ubuntu AMI 的程式出自「How do I know what Ubuntu AMI to launch on EC2?」這邊。 裡,我的 jq 版本比較舊,不過不影響我的 copy & paste,所以就沒有 hack 他了。新版的應該可以多加上 | @tsv 變成 tab 隔開 (沒測過,查資料時查到而已)。 裡,我這邊是先到 console 上查出 security group 與 subnet 的 id,然後這邊 hard code 進去。我的預設是開 t2.medium,臨時要指定的話就 t2.nano 就可以改開 t2.nano 了,不過要注意的是,這邊程式在查詢時的條件是 hvm:ebs,換的時候要注意 image 相容性...

# AWS-related
function {
    aws ec2 describe-instances | \
        jq -c -M '.Reservations[] | .Instances[] | [.InstanceId, .InstanceType, .PublicIpAddress]'

function ec2.rm() {
    local INSTANCE_ID=${1:i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
    aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-id ${INSTANCE_ID}

function {
    local INSTANCE_TYPE=${1:-t2.medium}
    aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $(ec2.ubuntu_ami()) --key-name gslin --security-group-ids sg-xxxxxxxx --instance-type ${INSTANCE_TYPE} --subnet-id subnet-xxxxxxxx

function ec2.ubuntu_ami() {
    curl -s "" | \
    sed '$x;$G;/\(.*\),/!H;//!{$!d};$!x;$s//\1/;s/^\n//' | \
    jq -c '.aaData[] | select(contains(["16.04", "us-east-1", "hvm:ebs"]))' | \
    grep -o 'ami-[a-z0-9]\+' | \
    head -1


話說 Ubuntu 網站上的 JSON 居然吐出 malformed data (trailing comma),這是自己 printf() 之類硬幹出來的嗎... XD

Amazon EC2 上的 Ubuntu 的效能提昇

UbuntuAWS 合作,對 AWS 上 EC2 的 kernel 最佳化:「Ubuntu on AWS gets serious performance boost with AWS-tuned kernel」。

透過各界面拉出來的 Ubuntu 16.04 都將會是對 kernel 最佳化過的版本了:

As of March 29th, Ubuntu Cloud Images for Amazon have been enabled with the AWS-tuned Ubuntu kernel by default. The AWS-tuned Ubuntu kernel will receive the same level of support and security maintenance as all supported Ubuntu kernels for the duration of the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.


  • Up to 30% faster kernel boot speeds, on a 15% smaller kernel package
  • Full support for Elastic Network Adapter (ENA), including the latest driver version 1.1.2, supporting up to 20 Gbps network speeds for ENA instance types (currently I3, P2, R4, X1, and m4.16xlarge)
  • Improved i3 instance class support with NVMe storage disks under high IO load
  • Increased I/O performance for i3 instances
  • Improved instance initialization with NVMe backed storage disks
  • Disabled CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL to eliminate deadlocks on some instance types
  • Resolved CPU throttling with AWS t2.micro instances

所以先前打包好的 AMI 都要再重打一次了... @_@

Amazon EC2 的 P2 instance

Amazon EC2 為了 GPU 而推出的 P2 type:「New P2 Instance Type for Amazon EC2 – Up to 16 GPUs」。

p2.large 有這樣的規格:

This new instance type incorporates up to 8 NVIDIA Tesla K80 Accelerators, each running a pair of NVIDIA GK210 GPUs. Each GPU provides 12 GB of memory (accessible via 240 GB/second of memory bandwidth), and 2,496 parallel processing cores.

而最大台的 p2.16xlarge 也就是 16 倍... 每小時單價也刷新了之前 x1.32xlarge 的記錄 $13.338/hr (us-east-1),來到了 $14.4/hr...

另外也推出了 deep learning AMI,內裝了一堆常見支援 GPU 的 ML framework:

In order to help you to make great use of one or more P2 instances, we are launching a Deep Learning AMI today.