AirBnB 送出 Form S-1

Hacker News Daily 上看到 AirBnB 送出 Form S-1 了:「d81668ds1.htm」,在 TechCrunch 上面也有一系列的文章可以看...

印象中差不多試 2018 年就有一些傳言了,結果在 2019 年的時候沒看到,到了 2020 年被 COVID-19 重挫... 但長期來看是個成功的商業模式,所以 2020 年不論是有要上還是沒有要上都不意外,現在丟出 Form S-1 給了個答案。


安倍政權打算規範民宿,使得 Airbnb 變成非法

日本市場是 Airbnb 成長最快的市場 (參考「Airbnb to Boost Japan Listings, Its Fastest-Growing Market」),也使得日本的旅館業者想透過立法手段打擊 Airbnb 這類服務:「Airbnb Faces Major Threat in Japan, Its Fastest-Growing Market」。

Under pressure from the hotel industry and a populace concerned with the surge of foreigners in their neighborhoods, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government has released guidelines for home sharing -- called minpaku in Japanese -- that could make most Airbnb rentals in the country illegal.

不過 Airbnb 的手腕感覺上比 Uber 來的軟一點 (雖然比起其他企業還是很硬),應該會試著以遊說的方式阻擋?

Airbnb 被抓到操作站上資料以美化數據

在「How Airbnb's Data hid the Facts in New York City」這篇文章裡提到了 Airbnb 在去年 (2015 年) 十一月時操作站上資料,美化數據的證據。

Airbnb 在 2015 年 12 月時發表了一篇「Data on the Airbnb Community in NYC」,說明 Airbnb 對紐約地區的貢獻的種種之類的 PR 文章。

Airbnb 的文章裡面提到了資料是取自 2015 年 11 月 17 日的資料:

As of November 17, 2015 there were 35,966 active Airbnb listings in New York.

而作者則發現了 2015 年 11 月 17 日當天,Airbnb 站上的資料被「清理」過:

A major part of Airbnb's recent data release was a snapshot of New York City listings as of November 17, 2015. This report shows that the snapshot was photoshopped: in the days leading up to November 17, Airbnb ensured a flattering picture by carrying out a one-time targeted purge of more than 1,000 listings. The company then presented November 17 as a typical day in the company’s operations and mis-represented the one-time purge as a historical trend.


No similar event took place in other cities in North America or elsewhere.

完整的分析在「how_airbnbs_data_hid_the_facts_in_new_york_city.pdf」可以取得 PDF 檔,可以看到裡面同時有兩個不同資料來源的分析並確認 (Murray Cox 與 Tom Slee 所蒐集的資料)。

利用 MAC address 抓出網路攝影機 (AirBnB 事件後續的反制)

之前 AirBnB 的屋主在屋內安裝攝影機而打官司的事情繼續被討論:「Beware, houseguests: Cheap home surveillance cameras are everywhere now」。有人提出自救方法,作者使用 DropCam 與 Withings 的 MAC Address Prefix 抓出網路攝影機:「Detect and disconnect WiFi cameras in that AirBnB you’re staying in」。

由於 MAC address 不需要知道 WPA passphase,所以可以直接掃出來。作者提供的程式需要使用 airmon-ng 來掃無線網路。

另外作者有點出這個方法可以打掛透過無線網路的裝置 (像是 WiFi jammer),用在安全機制上 (也就是這些產品本來的設計) 未必有效,還是建議用有線網路接:

For the record, I’m well aware DropCam and Withings are also sold as baby monitors and home security products. The very fact this code exists should challenge you to reconsider the non-sane choice to rely on anything wireless for home security. More so, WiFi jammers - while illegal - are cheap. If you care, use cable.


It may be illegal to use this script in the US. Due to changes in FCC regulation in 2015, it appears intentionally de-authing WiFi clients, even in your own home, is now classed as ‘jamming’. Up until recently, jamming was defined as the indiscriminate addition of noise to signal - still the global technical definition. It’s worth noting here that all wireless routers necessarily ship with the ability to de-auth, as part of the 802.11 specification.