Google Web Store 擋掉 AdNauseam

之前提到的「阻擋廣告的攻性防壁 AdNauseam」沒什麼意外被 Google 擋掉了:「AdNauseam banned from the Google Web Store」。

Earlier this week, on Jan 1st 2017, we were informed by our users that Google had banned AdNauseam from its Chrome Web Store.

現在變成要手動下載安裝:「Install AdNauseam on Chrome Without Google's Permission」。

阻擋廣告的攻性防壁 AdNauseam

看到「AdNauseam: Fight back against advertising surveillance」這個專案瞬間想到攻殼裡面「攻性防壁」這個詞 XDDD

改自 uBlock Origin,除了本來的隱藏廣告功能外,還會狂點廣告來亂 XDDD:

AdNauseam is a lightweight browser extension that blends software tool and artware intervention to fight back against tracking by advertising networks. AdNauseam works like an ad-blocker (it is built atop uBlock-Origin) to silently simulate clicks on each blocked ad, confusing trackers as to one's real interests. At the same time, AdNauseam serves as a means of amplifying users' discontent with advertising networks that disregard privacy and facilitate bulk surveillance agendas.