Google 在歐盟的服務將提供 Reject All Cookies 的按鈕

看到「Google gives Europe a ‘reject all’ button for tracking cookies after fines from watchdogs」這篇,在講 Google 在歐盟的服務開始提供 Reject All Cookie 的按鈕,其中 Google 官方的公告可以在「New cookie choices in Europe」這邊看到。

Reject All Cookies 的按鈕是像這樣的設計:

照報導說的,今年初的時候法國罰了 Google 一億五千萬歐元,因為 Accept All Cookies 只要一個按鍵,但 Reject All Cookies 需要按很多選單才能達成,而法國認為這樣非對稱式的設計是違法的:

Earlier this year, France’s data protection agency CNIL fined Google €150 million ($170 million) for deploying confusing language in cookie banners. Previously, Google allowed users to accept all tracking cookies with a single click, but forced people to click through various menus to reject them all. This asymmetry was unlawful, said CNIL, steering users into accepting cookies to the ultimate benefit of Google’s advertising business.

Google 的說明裡面也有提到法國的事情,但當然沒有提到罰款:

Based on these conversations and specific direction from France’s Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), we have now completed a full redesign of our approach, including changes to the infrastructure we use to handle cookies.


We’ve kicked off the launch in France and will be extending this experience across the rest of the European Economic Area, the U.K. and Switzerland.

SSH 的 StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new

OpenSSH 在連到新的 host 時會跳出 key fingerprint 的資訊讓使用者確認,有時候為了自動化會用 StrictHostKeyChecking=no 避開,在 Lobsters Daily 上則看到了新的選項可以用,StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new

就如同選項的名字所描述的,查了一下 OpenSSH Release Notes 可以看到這是在 OpenSSH 7.5 導入的參數,是在 March 20, 2017 引入的:

* ssh(1): expand the StrictHostKeyChecking option with two new settings. The first "accept-new" will automatically accept hitherto-unseen keys but will refuse connections for changed or invalid hostkeys. This is a safer subset of the current behaviour of StrictHostKeyChecking=no. The second setting "off", is a synonym for the current behaviour of StrictHostKeyChecking=no: accept new host keys, and continue connection for hosts with incorrect hostkeys. A future release will change the meaning of StrictHostKeyChecking=no to the behaviour of "accept-new". bz#2400

對於一些自動化的流程應該夠用了,不需要到用 no 完全關掉。

翻了「Ubuntu – Package Search Results -- openssh-client」可以看到 18.04 之後都是 7.5 之後的版本了,支援度應該是沒什麼太大問題...

Chrome 72+ (目前在 Beta 的版本) 對延伸套件的影響

我的桌機平常都是跑 beta channel 的 Chrome,所以前陣子已經升級到 72,然後發現兩個問題:

從 dev console 可以看到問題都是 Referer 沒被送出,導致有檢查 Referer 的網站拒絕存取,後來在「chrome.webRequest」這邊發現是 Chrome 72+ 改了規則,裡面提到了:

Starting from Chrome 72, the following request headers are not provided and cannot be modified or removed without specifying 'extraHeaders' in opt_extraInfoSpec:


Starting from Chrome 72, the Set-Cookie response header is not provided and cannot be modified or removed without specifying 'extraHeaders' in opt_extraInfoSpec.

不確定這個設計的目的是什麼,但反正已經中獎了,總是得回報給各 extension 的維護者讓他們修正 (用 beta channel 的重要任務之一?)。

所以就先去 Tampermonkey 開 ticket,也很迅速的在 beta 版修正了 (所以只能先改裝 beta 版):「GM_xmlhttpRequest unable to set referer in Chrome 72+ #629」。

另外跟 Referer Control 的開發者回報這個問題,也修正出新版上架了,更新就生效了:「refererControlDisqus.html」。

目前看起來還有「Spoofs Lang」得修,不過這個軟體好久沒更新了,不知道有沒有機會...

用 Spoofs Lang 更改網站偵測的預設語系...

因為 一直連不上,寫信給網站管理者後才發現是 Trac 沒處理好 non-en 語系的部份,所以得先在 client workaround。(管理者說他有空的時候會去看看...)

Google Chrome 上可以用 Spoofs Lang 更改瀏覽器送出的 Accept-Language 欄位,進而達到修改網站偵測的預設語系...

除了 以外,也順便把 系列的網站都改成英文語系了。