AWS 提供 6TB/9TB/12TB RAM 的機器...

AWS 推出了超大記憶體的機器,代碼 u-{6,9,12}tb1.metal,分別對應 6TB/9TB/12TB 的 RAM:「Now Available – Amazon EC2 High Memory Instances with 6, 9, and 12 TB of Memory, Perfect for SAP HANA」。

這記憶體比我桌機的硬碟還大... 然後還打算出更大台的機器 XDDD:

We’re not stopping at 12 TiB, and are planning to launch instances with 18 TiB and 24 TiB of memory in 2019.

不過目前從 web console 上沒看到可以選擇,似乎沒有開放零租 (i.e. 以分計費,或是以小時計費),在價錢頁「Amazon EC2 Pricing」這邊沒看到,在 Reserved Instance (RI) 的頁面「Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances Pricing」這邊也沒看到。

從文章裡的描述知道目前在 us-east-1 & ap-northeast-1 有提供,但從後台情況以及文章語氣推測,似乎要另外開 support ticket 才能選用:

These instances are now available in the US East (N. Virginia) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Regions as Dedicated Hosts with a 3-year term, and will be available soon in the US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. If you are ready to get started, contact your AWS account team or use the Contact Us page to make a request.
