64-bit time_t 的事情

看到「The perils of transition to 64-bit time_t (gentoo.org)」這篇,原文在「The perils of transition to 64-bit time_t」,Gentoo 的人在討論將 time_t 從 32-bit 換成 64-bit 遇到的困難。

這邊會想把 32-bit time_t 換到 64-bit time_t 的動力是 32-bit 的 time_t 會在 2038 年遇到 integer overflow,這是接下來的十幾年得想辦法的問題。

不過有意思的是 id=41684857 這邊提到了,當初 FreeBSD 在 porting amd64 時 (大約二十年前) 就直接把一堆變數換成 64-bit 了,其中也包括了 time_t,從第一天解決掉相容性的問題:

Every time I see people struggling with this, I am so incredibly glad that I forced the issue for FreeBSD when I did the initial amd64 port. I got to set the fundamental types in the ABI and decided to look forward rather than backward.

The amd64 architecture did have some interesting features that made this much easier than it might have been for other cpu architectures. One of which was the automatic cast of 32 bit function arguments to 64 bit during the function call. In most cases, if you passed a 32 bit time integer to a function expecting a 64 bit time_t, it Just Worked(TM) during the platform bringup. This meant that a lot of the work on the loose ends could be deferred.

We did have some other 64 bit platforms at the time, but they did not have a 64 bit time_t. FreeBSD/amd64 was the first in its family, back in 2003/2004/2005. If I remember correctly, sparc64 migrated to 64 bit time_t.

這算是個 Day 1 沒換就會有技術債包袱的問題 (遲早還是得換),只是要討論哪種善後的方式是可以接受的。

Debian 的 64-bit time_t 計畫

在「Debian: 64-bit time_t transition in progress」這邊看到 Debian 的 mailing list 上的討論:「64-bit time_t transition in progress」,另外官方也有整理 wiki page:「64-bit time」。

因為技術上無法表示 2038/01/19 以後的時間,確定會 breaking ABI 將 time_t 從 32-bit 變成 64-bit,而現在要想辦法搞定 32-bit 平台上面可以處理這樣的改變:

The goal of this transition is to ensure that 32-bit architectures in trixie (whether they are currently release architectures, or out of archive, etc) will be capable of handling current and future timestamps referring to times beyond 2038.

離 2038/01/17 還有約 13 年多...

Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit 與 32-bit 的效能差異

前幾天提過「Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit 版本正式推出」,而 Phoronix 實際拿正式版測試 64-bit 與 32-bit 的系統差異了,在「Raspberry Pi OS 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance」這邊可以看到每一個測試項目的結果。

測試的硬體是 Raspberry Pi 400,這台機器基本上就是 4GB 版本的 Raspberry Pi 4 加上週邊配件:

Using a Raspberry Pi 400 keyboard computer with 4GB of RAM, I ran some fresh benchmarks of Raspberry Pi OS in its default 32-bit build and then again with the new 64-bit build.

先講結果,在 Phoronix 的 33 個測試裡面,64-bit 全部都比 32-bit 好,而且是很明顯的差異:

Across the few dozen different workloads tested, switching Raspberry Pi OS 11 for the 64-bit version improved the performance on average by about 48%. See all the 32-bit vs. 64-bit Raspberry Pi benchmarks over on OpenBenchmarking.org.

之前 64-bit OS 還在 beta 的時候就已經知道這個情況了,所以不會覺得太意外。當時提出的解釋是指令集的差異,aarch64 提供的指令集比 armv6 有效率多了,這點在 2016 年的文章「64-bit ARM (Aarch64) Instructions Boost Performance by 15 to 30% Compared to 32-bit ARM (Aarch32) Instructions」這邊可以看到說明。

所以正式版出來以後,只要硬體有支援,基本上都建議裝 64-bit OS 了...

Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit 版本正式推出

Twitter 上看到前同事貼了 Raspberry Pi 官方放出 Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit 版本的公告:「Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit)」。

我是在 beta 時就已經跑一陣子了,依照官方的說明可以看到 Raspberry Pi 3 或是 Raspberry Pi Zero 2 以上的版本才支援 64-bit OS。

我是在 Raspberry Pi 3 上面跑,主要是現在大多數支援 ARM 指令集的 package 都是包 arm64,換到 64-bit OS 能裝的東西會比較多。

另外有提到目前 64-bit 版本的 Chromium 還沒有 Widevine 支援,無法看 Netflix 或是 Disney+,需要裝 32-bit 版本才能看:

The 64-bit version of Chromium, installed by default, has no version of the WidevineCDM library and therefore, it is not possible to play streaming media such as Netflix or Disney+.


Raspberry Pi 4 推出 8GB 版本

Raspberry Pi 宣佈了 8GB 版本:「8GB Raspberry Pi 4 on sale now at $75」。

除了記憶體變成 8GB 以外,也因為記憶體加大而需要更多電力,所以電供元件的部份也跟著改動,然後也提到 COVID-19 造成的延遲:

To supply the slightly higher peak currents required by the new memory package, James has shuffled the power supply components on the board, removing a switch-mode power supply from the right-hand side of the board next to the USB 2.0 sockets and adding a new switcher next to the USB-C power connnector. While this was a necessary change, it ended up costing us a three-month slip, as COVID-19 disrupted the supply of inductors from the Far East.

超過 4GB 的時候一定會檢視 32-bit 與 64-bit 環境的差異,所以就會發現,在預設的 kernel 因為使用 32-bit LPAE (ARM 上的 PAE),所以雖然是有機會可以使用到 8GB,但單一程式會有 3GB 限制:

Our default operating system image uses a 32-bit LPAE kernel and a 32-bit userland. This allows multiple processes to share all 8GB of memory, subject to the restriction that no single process can use more than 3GB.

目前如果想要原生支援 64-bit 環境的話,需要使用其他作業系統:

But power users, who want to be able to map all 8GB into the address space of a single process, need a 64-bit userland. There are plenty of options already out there, including Ubuntu and Gentoo.

不過另外官方也在測自家的 64-bit 版本,已經有 early beta 版本可以測試看看了 (話說 early beta 這個詞,可以解釋成 alpha 的品質...):

Not to be left out, today we’ve released an early beta of our own 64-bit operating system image. This contains the same set of applications and the same desktop environment that you’ll find in our regular 32-bit image, but built against the Debian arm64 port.

不過上面的 ChromiumFirefox 不完整支援硬體解壓影片的部份還是痛,四代的 CPU 在 YouTube 上是可以硬撐 1080p30 解碼,但畫面順暢度就不太行了,客廳還是用老 Mac Mini (2011 的版本) 來撐場...