GitHub 的 MySQL 5.7 升級到 8.0 的細節

GitHub Blog 上面寫了一篇關於 GitHub 怎麼把 MySQL 5.7 升級到 8.0 的過程,有點長度但是裡面有蠻多數字與架構可以看:「Upgrading to MySQL 8.0」。

開頭先順便提一下,看這篇後可以交叉看 GitHub 的 Incident History,有幾次跟 database 有關的事件,雖然不能直接確認與這波升級有關,但心裡可以有個底...


Our fleet consists of 1200+ hosts. It’s a combination of Azure Virtual Machines and bare metal hosts in our data center.

We store 300+ TB of data and serve 5.5 million queries per second across 50+ database clusters.

Preparation for the upgrade started in July 2022 and we had several milestones to reach even before upgrading a single production database.

另外雖然沒有明講,但從文章中其他段落的描述,以及相關的圖片,可以看出來 GitHub 是使用 single-primary (single-master) 的架構,這邊沒有用到 multi-primary (multi-master) 類的架構:

We opted not to do direct upgrades on the primary database host. Instead, we would promote a MySQL 8.0 replica to primary through a graceful failover performed with Orchestrator.

後續升級的部分有點長,第一波關於 read-only replica 的部分雖然有些地方沒講清楚,但基本上大家的作法都大同小異:

比較明顯有疑問的是,第一步為什麼不是直接生一台新的 8.0 觀察 (這樣觀察到的環境才會與後續過程接近),而是 in-place upgrade,而後續開的機器又是 provision。不過這個算是小問題...

比較值得研究的是在第二步與第三步的說明裡面提到的 primary (master) 這塊。

第二步是先改變 topology,這個架構算是蠻特別的的過渡架構,只會維持幾個小時;會把其中一台 8.0 replica 拉起來放在中間,然後再串一台 5.7 replica,接下去再串 5.7/8.0 的 read-only replicas:

第三步把 primary (master) 指到 8.0 上:

這個特別的架構可以推敲出來是想要能夠快速在有狀況時完全 rollback 回 5.7,不過可以馬上想到 8.0 的資料丟到 5.7 上的問題。

MySQL 的慣例是下一個版本的 replication 通常都會通 (像是 5.0 -> 5.1,或是 5.1 -> 5.5,而這邊的例子是 5.7 -> 8.0),這在官方的文件「Replication Compatibility Between MySQL Versions」有提過。


MySQL supports replication from one release to the next higher release but does not explicitly support the reverse (MySQL Replication compatibility).

所以他們只能在 staging 上演練看看,找出會炸掉的東西,然後得提前先修改完:

When we tested promoting an 8.0 host to primary on our staging cluster, we saw replication break on all 5.7 replicas.

另外一方面,在文章開頭的地方也有提到利用 CI 事先找出問題:

We added MySQL 8.0 to Continuous Integration (CI) for all applications using MySQL. We ran MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 side-by-side in CI to ensure that there wouldn’t be regressions during the prolonged upgrade process. We detected a variety of bugs and incompatibilities in CI, helping us remove any unsupported configurations or features and escape any new reserved keywords.

用這些方法儘量把問題圍堵找出來,而真的遇到在 production 上的問題時,應該是看情況來決定要不要 rollback 回 5.7 整包重來?

就... 看看當作一個有趣的 case study。

Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 推出相容於 MySQL 5.7 的版本

Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 推出相容於 MySQL 5.7 的版本了:「Amazon Aurora is Compatible with MySQL 5.7」。


Amazon Aurora is a relational database service that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. The MySQL-compatible edition of Aurora delivers up to 5X the throughput of standard MySQL running on the same hardware, and is designed to be compatible with MySQL 5.6, enabling existing MySQL applications and tools to run without requiring modification.

5.7 其中一個賣點在於支援 Spatial index (透過 R-tree),不過 AWS 的版本看起來是自己用 B-tree 加上 Z-order curve 實做:「Amazon Aurora under the hood: indexing geospatial data using Z-order curves」。

我覺得看看就好啦,拿 244GB RAM 的 r3.8xlarge 跑 1GB 的 data set,當大家是傻逼嗎...

MySQL 5.7 預設值的改善

在「Improved Server Defaults in 5.7」這篇文章裡面講了 MySQL 5.7 預設值有那些是朝好的方向演進,雖然我覺得有些有風險在...


innodb_strict_mode — This brings InnoDB in line with our overall goal of making MySQL behavior more strict by default, thus helping you ensure the integrity, validity, and durability of your data. This also falls in line with a parallel goal of making MySQL more SQL standard compliant by default.

可以參考「Making strict sql_mode the default」這篇文章的說明,當你把 -1 塞到 UNSIGNED INT 欄位時會直接發生錯誤,而非 fallback 到 0

然後是 InnoDB 熱機機制的改善,以及檔案格式預設值的改變。