從 Backblaze 的年度報告裡看 HGST 的 4K 盤的問題

Backblaze 照慣例放出了年度報告,這次是 2023 年整年的回顧:「Backblaze Drive Stats for 2023」。

樣本數量少的跳過,這次比較特別的是可以發現 HGST 這邊 HUH721212ALN604 這顆樣本數破萬,而且 AFR 高到 3.69% 了:

他上面那顆 HUH721212ALE604 只差了一個字母 (N -> E),AFR 只有 0.95%,這個差距有點大。

拉了 datasheet 來確認:「Data Sheet: Ultrastar DC HC520 (He12)」,可以看到兩顆的規格幾乎一模一樣,唯一的差別是:

Format: Sector size (bytes)
4Kn: 4096
512e: 512

另外可以從「How to Read the Ultrastar Model Number」這邊看到 4Kn 與 512e 的說明:

E6 = 512e SATA 6Gb/s,
N6 = 4Kn SATA 6Gb/s


在非 4K 的螢幕上跑 HiDPI

前幾天看到 BetterDummy 這個專案,作者在 M1 上面外接 24" 1440p 的螢幕,但沒辦法啟用 HiDPI,於是就寫了一個軟體來解:

M1 macs tend to have issues with custom resolutions. Notoriously they don't allow sub-4K resolution displays to have HiDPI ("Retina") resolutions even though (for example) a 24" QHD 1440p display would greatly benefit from having an 1920x1080 HiDPI "Retina" mode.

在這之前的解法都有些麻煩,一種是買個 dummy dongle 去騙 macOS,另外是用 mirror 的方式使用:

To fix this issue, some resort to buying a 4K HDMI dummy dongle to fool macOS into thinking that a 4K display is connected and then mirror the contents of this dummy display to their actual monitor in order to have HiDPI resolutions available. Others use the built in screens of their MacBooks to mirror to the external display. These approaches have obvious drawbacks and cannot solve all problems.

作者提供的軟體可以先建立 Dummy Monitor,然後再透過 mirror 掛到實際螢幕上:


Netflix 對於拍攝影片的要求

Netflix 對於拍攝影片的要求直接放在網站上:「Production and Post-Production Requirements v2.1」。

Provide a set of technical requirements for production and post-production workflows to ensure that a high level of quality is maintained throughout the lifecycle of a project from capture to archive. This serves the purpose of future-proofing the content as the Netflix platform and viewing experience continue to evolve.

裡面有提到一些產品,這些資訊其實可以當作採購指南用... (當預算有到這個 range 時 XD)

不過動畫會怎麼算啊 XDDD (應該是另外的 requirement?)