EnterpriseDB 買下 2ndQuadrant

算是 PostgreSQL 社群裡面的大事情,看到大老在討論 EnterpriseDB (EDB) 買下 2ndQuadrant 的事情:「Community Impact of 2nd Quadrant Purchase」,這兩家公司都是 PostgreSQL 社群裡面重量級的台柱。

先翻了一下新聞稿,兩邊的官方新聞稿分別是「How EDB Became the Leader in the Postgres Market」與「How EDB Became the Leader in the Postgres Market」。

回到原來的文章,裡面提到了 core team 的不成文規定,這個部份可以從 Contributor Profiles 這邊看到目前 core team 有五位成員,Peter Eisentraut 來自 2ndQuadrant,而 Bruce Momjian (這是文章作者自己) 與 Dave Page 則是來自 EnterpriseDB:

First, there is an unwritten rule that the Postgres core team should not have over half of its members from a single company, and the acquisition causes edb's representation in the core team to be 60% — the core team is working on a solution for this.



這次的併購算是 PostgreSQL 社群裡面蠻熱鬧的事情,雖然是商業公司之間的併購,但社群這邊應該也會有不少變化...