Kagi 訂閱數量過兩萬

看到 Kagi 公佈了訂閱數量破兩萬的新聞:「Celebrating our first 20,000 members」,翻了一下先前的文章,九月的時候才接近 9k:「Kagi 又恢復 $10/mo 的 Unlimited Search Plan 了」。

目前的目標看起來是訂在 50k (至少圖表上面的是 50k):

Internet Archive 上面查,可以看到九月到十月那波是漲最多的,差不多 22%:(出自 https://web.archive.org/web/20231011042040/https://kagi.com/stats 這邊)

依照 2022 年當時在「Kagi status update: First three months」這篇的說法,要 25k users 才能打平所有的開銷,雖然後來產品線改變蠻多的,但 25k 應該還是會算個重要的 milestone?

We are planning to reach sustainability at around 25,000 users mark, by further improving the product, introducing new offerings and pricing changes. With the product metrics being as good as they are, we should be able to reach this as our visibility increases.
