特別推薦看 IMAX 版,螢幕大感覺就是不一樣... 另外結尾的彩蛋有兩則,請不要看完第一則就跑掉了。(話說回來,上上星期五去長春國賓看的時候居然沒看到第二則就被工作人員告知已經結束,不知道是怎麼一回事...)
首先是維基百科的資料 (當作入口點):
另外維基百科上面也有人從 FAA 所公開的資料中截出 New York TRACON 的錄音抓出對應的部份,並且將對話過程抄寫出來:「File:Flight 1549 FAA New York TRACON audio extract.ogg」,電影的確照實將這些對話演出來:
在「Flight 1549 3D Reconstruction, Hudson River Ditching Jan 15, 2009」這邊依照公開的錄音 (從在機場起飛開始) 以及所有公開的對話記錄 (黑盒子的記錄),配上模擬機上的畫面,也可以看一看:
包括機長對著哈德遜河樹旗的「uh what a view of the Hudson today」... 然後是另外一個角度,混入 LGA 的錄音記錄以及雷達記錄:
再來是在電影裡面提到的 35 秒延遲實驗,這可以在 NTSB 的官方報告裡面看到對應的說明 (取自「Loss of Thrust in Both Engines After Encountering a Flock of Birds and Subsequent Ditching on the Hudson River - US Airways Flight 1549 - Airbus A320‐214, N106US - Weehawken, New Jersey - January 15, 2009」這份 PDF):
Regarding the second flight scenario, 20 runs were performed in the engineering simulator from a preprogrammed point shortly before the loss of engine thrust in which pilots attempted to return to either runway 13 or 22 at LGA or runway 19 at TEB. Five of the 20 runs were discarded because of poor data or simulator malfunctions. Of the 15 remaining runs, in 6, the pilot attempted to land on runway 22 at LGA; in 7, the pilot attempted to land on runway 13 at LGA; and in 2, the pilot attempted to land on runway 19 at TEB. In eight of the 15 runs (53 percent), the pilot successfully landed after making an immediate turn to an airport after the loss of engine thrust. Specifically, two of the six runs to land on runway 22 at LGA, five of the seven runs to land on runway 13 at LGA, and one of the two runs to land on runway 19 at TEB immediately after the loss of engine thrust were successful. One run was made to return to an airport (runway 13 at LGA) after a 35-second delay, and the landing was not successful.
也就是做了 20 次的模擬,而有效的模擬有 15 次,其中 8 次成功降落回機場 (成功次數分別是 LGA 22 跑道 2/6、LGA 13 跑道 5/7,以及 TEB 19 跑道 1/2),這些都是鳥擊後馬上選擇回機場迫降。
而加上 35 秒的反應時間後的 LGA 13 跑道則做了一次,那次降落則是不成功。
在 NTSB 報告上,加上 35 秒後的測試只有一次有點怪,但電影裡機長 Sully 臨時要求把「人性」加進去的劇情剛好符合這個解釋。所以有可能就如同電影所演出的,是現場追加的測試?
- TLC,特別節目,Brace For Impact。
- 空中浩劫,第十季第五集,Hudson River Runway。
- 國家地理頻道,特別節目,Miracle Landing On The Hudson。