Let's Encrypt 撤銷了兩百萬個以 tls-alpn-01 驗證的憑證

前幾天 Let's Encrypt 決定撤銷大約兩百萬個以 tls-alpn-01 簽發的憑證:「2022.01.25 Issue with TLS-ALPN-01 Validation Method」,在 Hacker News 上的討論「Issue with TLS-ALPN-01 Validation Method (letsencrypt.org)」也可以翻一下。

這次主要是有兩個修改,第一個是要 TLSv1.2 以上,不支援舊版的 TLS 驗證:

First, we now guarantee that our client which reaches out to conduct the “acme-tls/1” handshake will negotiate TLS version 1.2 or higher. If your ACME client or integration only supports a maximum TLS version of 1.1 when conducting the TLS-ALPN-01 challenge, it will break. We are not aware of any ACME clients with this limitation.

另外一個是淘汰掉 legacy OID:

Second, we no longer support the legacy OID which was used to identify the acmeIdentifier extension in earlier drafts of RFC 8737. We now only accept the standardized OID If your client uses the wrong OID when constructing the certificate used for the TLS-ALPN-01 handshake, it will break. Please either update your client, or switch to using a different validation method.

目前還是以 http-01 與 dns-01 為主,暫時不用管,但如果有人用 tls-alpn-01 的稍微注意一下吧...