HTTP Status Code 451

前陣子送出的 HTTP Status Code 451 要通過成為標準了:「Why 451?」。

Today, the IESG approved publication of "An HTTP Status Code to Report Legal Obstacles". It'll be an RFC after some work by the RFC Editor and a few more process bits, but effectively you can start using it now.

取自「華氏451度」這部講出版物言論自由的作品 (紙的燃點是華氏 451 度),在 Internet 時代,451 剛好在 HTTP Status Code 4xx 的範圍,被拿來用做「因法令限制而服法提供內容的 Status Code」。


This document specifies a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) status code for use when resource access is denied as a consequence of legal demands.

WhatsApp 過濾關於出現「Telegram」的連結

WhatsApp (2014 年被 Facebook 買下) 過濾 Telegram 連結的消息在國外引發討論了:「As of today, WhatsApp is blocking Telegram links」。這讓維基百科裡「WhatsApp」這段說明看起來特別的奇特:


作者在 app 上測了幾個連結:


這張圖可以看出來 的連結無法點擊。弄了老半天後,發現程式直接針對 Telegram 相關的網域擋掉了:



Twitter 把收藏變成心狀後的使用成長

在「Twitter Sees 6% Increase In “Like” Activity After First Week Of Hearts」這邊看到 Twitter 把 Favorite 變成 Like 後的成長:

The reason? According to Weil, “It’s easier to understand.” Makes sense. How many favorites could you really have at the end of the day? The increase is 6% for existing users and 9% for new users.

不過,更多的 Like 會有更多的互動嗎?

TPP (The Trans-Pacific Partnership) 對 GPL 的影響

TPP (The Trans-Pacific Partnership跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴關係協議) 的黑箱作業在 Wikileaks 揭露後 (TPP Treaty: Intellectual Property Rights Chapter - 5 October 2015) 才被大量解讀,而與預期的一樣,既然會黑箱當然就是見不得人,違反公眾利益的事情。

EFF 有導讀專欄分析,有興趣的可以從這邊下手:「Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement」。

這邊要講的是 TPP 裡對 GPL 的影響:「TPP has provision banning requirements to transfer of or access to source code of software」。

其中這組條款對原始程式碼 (source code) 的約束直接衝擊 GPL 類強制要求 open source 的約束:

Article 14.17: Source Code

  • No Party shall require the transfer of, or access to, source code of software owned by a person of another Party, as a condition for the import, distribution, sale or use of such software, or of products containing such software, in its territory.
  • For the purposes of this Article, software subject to paragraph 1 is limited to mass-market software or products containing such software and does not include software used for critical infrastructure.
  • Nothing in this Article shall preclude:
    (a) the inclusion or implementation of terms and conditions related to the provision of source code in commercially negotiated contracts; or
    (b) a Party from requiring the modification of source code of software necessary for that software to comply with laws or regulations which are not inconsistent with this Agreement.
  • This Article shall not be construed to affect requirements that relate to patent applications or granted patents, including any orders made by a judicial authority in relation to patent disputes, subject to safeguards against unauthorised disclosure under the law or practice of a Party.
  • Facebook 更新 iOS 應用程式,修正吃電問題

    在「在 iOS 上不使用 Facebook App 時要完全砍掉 process」這邊提到了 Facebook 在 iOS 版的應用程式會在背景播放無聲音樂,導致吃電特別兇的問題,Facebook 的 Ari Grant 出來澄清是 bug 造成的,而非故意行為。

    修正了兩個 bug,第一個是 network code 的部分:

    The first issue we found was a “CPU spin” in our network code. A CPU spin is like a child in a car asking, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”with the question not resulting in any progress to reaching the destination. This repeated processing causes our app to use more battery than intended. The version released today has some improvements that should start making this better.

    第二個則是之前提到無聲 audio 的問題:

    The second issue is with how we manage audio sessions. If you leave the Facebook app after watching a video, the audio session sometimes stays open as if the app was playing audio silently. This is similar to when you close a music app and want to keep listening to the music while you do other things, except in this case it was unintentional and nothing kept playing. The app isn't actually doing anything while awake in the background, but it does use more battery simply by being awake. Our fixes will solve this audio issue and remove background audio completely.


    The issues we have found are not caused by the optional Location History feature in the Facebook app or anything related to location. If you haven't opted into this feature by setting Location Access to Always and enabling Location History inside the app, then we aren't accessing your device's location in the background. The issues described above don't change this at all.



    在「Kudos - A Peer-to-Peer Discussion System Based on Social Voting」這邊看到分散式的論壇系統,帶有投票分數機制以及相關議題機制:

    Decentralized Reddit using a DHT to store content and a blockchain to rank such content. Whitepaper with more details here:

    論文裡面可以看出來設計的觀念受到 Bitcoin 的啟發,演算法也是... 換句話說,Bitcoin 帶來的影響遠遠超過金融市場,Bitcoin 所使用的理論也給其他領域很多想法。

    如果這樣的系統可行的話 (還沒仔細研究 @_@),真正分散式的論壇系統就會出現了...

    又一個 Open Source 版本的 Slack Clone:Mattermost

    在「Open source Slack-alternative reaches 1.0: Self-host ready, Slack-compatible, MIT licensed」這邊看到 Mattermost 這套 Slack clone,而 Mattermost 的標語是:

    Mattermost is an open source, on-prem Slack-alternative

    後面也是弄了一個團隊 (Team),有種 GitLab 的感覺...

    在 iOS 上不使用 Facebook App 時要完全砍掉 process

    在「The Background Data and Battery Usage of Facebook’s iOS App」這邊提到 Facebook AppiOS 上使用了非常吃電的技巧來強制背景更新。

    作者猜測,如果你把 Facebook App 設定成不允許背景更新,那麼 Facebook App 會利用 iOS 在「播放音樂」可以在背景執行來進行更新:(所以只是打開播放的 channel,但是沒有聲音)

    My guess is that Facebook is hijacking audio sessions on iOS by keeping silent audio in the background whenever a video plays in the app. And because, by default, videos on Facebook auto-play on both Wi-Fi and Cellular and few people ever bother to turn it off, that means there's a high chance the Facebook app will always find a way to play a video, keep audio in the background, and consume energy to perform background tasks.


    I'm not alone in noticing the mysterious "Facebook audio" background consumption, and video auto-play seems to me the most likely explanation at this point. I don't know if turning off auto-play may fix the problem, but I'd recommend doing that anyway to save data.

    印象中我們家的 zonble 也有提過類似的事情,當時他好像還有抱怨不知道 Facebook App 在搞什麼鬼... Anyway,這就可以理解作者提到為什麼這麼吃電:

    On my girlfriend's iPhone, for instance, iOS 9 reports 5 hours of on-screen usage for the last 7 days, and another 11 hours of background audio usage with Background App Refresh turned off.

    我的想法是,如果不用的時候就按兩下 home 鍵把 Facebook App 整個踢出去,或者就如同作者建議用 Safari 開行動版本:

    I wonder if Apple should consider additional battery controls to take action against shady practices like invisible background audio. What Facebook is doing shows a deep lack of respect for iOS users. I continue to recommend using Safari instead.

    Dell 買下 EMC

    前幾天提到的「傳言 Dell 要買 EMC...」發生了,歷史上最大的科技產業併購案,Dell 買下 EMC:「IT'S OFFICIAL: Dell just bought EMC in the biggest tech merger ever」。

    估算約 670 億美金的併購案:

    Assuming, for illustrative purposes, a valuation for each share of tracking stock of $81.78, the intraday volume-weighted average price for VMware on Wednesday, October 7, 2015, EMC shareholders would receive a total combined consideration of $33.15 per EMC share and the total transaction would be valued at approximately $67 billion.