KataGo v1.15.0 的「New Human-like Play and Analysis」推出了用人類棋譜訓練出來的 model:
This release adds a new human supervised learning ("Human SL") model trained on a large number of human games to predict human moves across players of different ranks and time periods! Not much experimentation with it has been done yet and there is probably low-hanging fruit on ways to use and visualize it, open for interested devs and enthusiasts to try.
lightvector 列出的一些 screenshot 看起來像是試著去猜測人類的棋力可能會選擇的點,列出了同樣的棋局在 20 級、1 段與 9 段會考慮的點的差異,算是一種幫助人類理解的方式?