英國的 24Mbps 寬頻網路

上看到英國的 這家公司提供了 24M/1.3M 的寬頻網路,只要£24:24 Mb Consumer Broadband Launched

£24 換算台幣約 NTD$1416 (匯率換算 - Yahoo!奇摩股市),再將國民生產毛額 差距 (以英國 USD$23680/year,台灣 USD$13950/year 計算) 換算進去,給台灣人的感覺大約是 NTD$834?hmmm...

另外對 peering 的費用調降不少後,似乎還是沒看到各 ISP 對 end user 的動作?(還是都拿去調降機房費用了?)


的 Blog 上,A U.S. National Firewall 這篇引用了 Grokster Ruling Begins the Good Fight 這篇文章裡的這段話:

This seems like a really bad idea:

Government has the right -- even the responsibility -- to see that its laws and regulations are enforced. The Internet is no exception. When the Internet is being used on American soil, it should comply with American law. And if it doesn't, then the government should be able to step in and filter the illegal sites and activities.

我一開始想到的是共產主義 (如同那篇文章下面 comment 所提到的),不過最近讀完 (中譯《一九八四》) 後,我覺得這種想法跟共產主義差多了... 這種想法比較像是智商不足的強盜土匪擁有的思考邏輯。

剛剛又看到 米國FCC網站被XXA夢入侵!! 這篇: 盜用 的圖像,作者向 反應後, 完全不理...

我覺得自從 上台後,美國政府愈來愈讓人失望了... 本來我還在猜 Bush 的智商有沒有 60,現在應該可以再往下調整不少。(不過想到這傢伙還要混三年就讓人頭痛...)

GPLv3 可能會再延期

上報導了 GPLv3 很有可能會再延期:GPL v3 Coming Out in 2007?

會有這麼大的問題就是在於 GPLv2 有一段話:

The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

於是就大爆炸了:如果 GPLv3 有問題的話,那麼會有許多軟體當場鳥掉。

其實比較好的做法是直接放棄 這個名字,改用其他的名字來發展新的 License Agreement,不過有很多政治角力在裡面而不可行 :p (因為有很多廠商希望 GPLv3 有更寬鬆的做法,這樣他們就可以惡搞那些沒有指定 "GPLv2" 而是 "GPLv2 or later version" 的軟體)

苦啊 :p