IE11 的淘汰計畫

微軟宣佈了淘汰 IE11 的計畫:「The future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge」。


The Internet Explorer 11 desktop application will be retired on June 15, 2022

不過要注意,Windows 10 LTSC 與 server 版的日期不在這次公告的範圍:

Note: This retirement does not affect in-market Windows 10 LTSC or Server Internet Explorer 11 desktop applications. It also does not affect the MSHTML (Trident) engine. For a full list of what is in scope for this announcement, and for other technical questions, please see our FAQ.

FAQ 裡面看起來 Windows 10 LTSC 與 Server 版應該會照著本身作業系統的維護週期走。

另外在文章裡也有提到 Microsoft 365 產品線只支援到今年八月 17 日 (文字部份出自維基百科的「Internet Explorer 11」):

On August 17, 2020, Microsoft published a timeline indicating that the Microsoft Teams product will stop supporting Internet Explorer 11 on November 30, 2020, and Microsoft 365 products will end Internet Explorer 11 support on August 17, 2021.

對一般使用上影響應該不會太大,因為目前市占率的關係,一般網站使用 Chromium 為底的瀏覽器應該都會動,主要的影響應該是遇到一些古董系統,一定得用 IE 才能使用。

Bootstrap v5 將會拔掉對 IE 的支援

如同標題所說的,Bootstrap 打算拔掉對 IE 的支援,在 GitHub 上的 Pull Request:「v5: drop Internet Explorer support」。

當然下面可以看到有反對意見,不過基本上還是尊重 Bootstrap 團隊做的決定,另外一方面也是現在的選擇多了很多,市場自由競爭總是會看出結果的。

測了一下先前提到的「MVP.css」,本來以為只做 semantic html 的設計,純 css 應該是有機會往下支援到蠻早的版本,結果拿 IE11 一開官網,看起來還是不少東西掛掉了 XD

看起來還得再找找... 也許繼續龜在 v4?

User-Agent 的淘汰提案

看到廢除更新 User-Agent 字串的提案:「Intent to Deprecate and Freeze: The User-Agent string」。

一方面是 User-Agent 裡面太多沒用的假資料 (像是每一家都是 Mozilla),另外 User-Agent 會帶出一些隱私問題 (辨識資訊)。

目前的提案是希望改用 User-Agent Client Hints (UA-CH) 取代 User-Agent 的功能,把預定義好的東西透過對應的 HTTP header 傳遞。

Chromium 的計畫是在 M81 (stable 版預定在 2020 年三月中釋出) 先 deprecate navigator.userAgent,所以有存取時 web console 上會出現警告。而 M83 (2020 年六月初) 則是不再更動 user agent 字串 (鎖住)。到了 M85 (2020 年九月中) 則是統一 desktop 的 user agent 字串,並且盡可能統一 mobile 上的字串。


Edge: Public support

Firefox: Public support for freezing the UA string - “freezing the User Agent string without any client hints—seems worth-prototyping”

Safari: Shipped to some extent. Safari has attempted to completely freeze the UA string in the past, without providing an alternative mechanism. That got a lot of pushback, which resulted in somewhat reverting that decision. Nowadays, their UA string seems frozen, other than updates to the OS version and the browser major version.


所有主流瀏覽器的最新版都支援 WebAssembly 了

Mozilla 的「WebAssembly support now shipping in all major browsers」提到了最近幾個禮拜,新版的 SafariEdge 都相繼支援 WebAssembly 了:

In the past weeks, both Apple and Microsoft have shipped new versions of Safari and Edge, respectively, that include support for WebAssembly.

由於 ChromeFirefox 都已經支援了,這宣告 WebAssembly 的障礙都已經排除了,接下來只是時間的問題... 對於需要效能的應用程式來說多了一個方式加速。

跨各平台的 Microsoft Edge 又讓搞網站的人爆炸...

還好用的人應該不會太多 (?)

微軟宣佈在 iOSAndroid 以及微軟自家的系統上都推出 Microsoft Edge:「Announcing Microsoft Edge for iOS and Android, Microsoft Launcher」,另外也很「貼心」的整理了一篇不同平台上的差異 (尤其是 iOS 與 Android):「Microsoft Edge for iOS and Android: What developers need to know」。

不過 Twitter 上微軟自家人 Kyle Pflug‏ 講的比較簡單:

把重點講的超清楚,然後順建讓人有種 WTF 的感覺 XDDD (等於是一次推出三個不同行為的 browser 啊!)

設計師鐵定會詛咒他不要流行起來 XDDD

Adobe Flash 將在 2020 年 End of Life

Adobe 發出的公告,將在 2020 年中止所有對 Flash 的支援:「Flash & The Future of Interactive Content」。

Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats.

然後 GoogleMicrosoft 也來補刀講兩句話:「So long, and thanks for all the Flash」、「Saying goodbye to Flash in Chrome」、「The End of an Era – Next Steps for Adobe Flash」。

除了 DNS 的 TTL 外,還有瀏覽器本身的 cache time...

在看「Reviewing Fastly’s New Approach To Load Balancing In The Cloud」這篇的時候被提醒:

However, most browsers have implemented their own caching layer that can override the TTL specified by the server. In fact, some browsers cache for 5-10 minutes, which is an eternity when a region or data center fails and you need to route end users to a different location.


結果 IE 在「How Internet Explorer uses the cache for DNS host entries」直接說三十分鐘 XDDD 這篇文章是 2011 年更新的,所以至少到 IE9 都是對的?

Internet Explorer 4.x and later versions modify how DNS host entries are cached by decreasing the default time-out value to 30 minutes.

Firefox 的值可以從 Mozilla networking preferences 這邊對 network.dnsCacheExpiration 的說明看到是 60 秒。

Google Chrome 沒找到官方的說明...

不過這可以知道當你要換 IP address 時,如果可以讓新舊 IP 都提供服務的話,至少規劃半個小時會比較保險。如果有其他理由而沒辦法同時提供服務的話,至少公告步驟裡要有「重開瀏覽器」這塊。

而作業系統自己的 cache 又是另外要計算進去的事了...

IE 與 Edge 推出更新,阻擋 SHA-1 憑證

微軟這幾天推出更新,IEEdge 將不會接受 SHA-1 憑證:「Microsoft Makes it Official, Cuts off SHA-1 Support in IE, Edge」。微軟的公告則是在「Deprecation of SHA-1 for SSL/TLS Certificates in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11」這邊。

根憑證不受影響 (所以企業自己產生的 Root CA 也不受影響):

Beginning May 9, 2017, Microsoft released updates to Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 to block sites that are protected with a SHA-1 certificate from loading and to display an invalid certificate warning. This change will only impact SHA-1 certificates that chain to a root in the Microsoft Trusted Root Program where the end-entity certificate or the issuing intermediate uses SHA-1. Enterprise or self-signed SHA-1 certificates will not be impacted, although we recommend that all customers quickly migrate to SHA-2 based certificates.

修改 User-Agent 讓 Office 365 服務變快...

Facebook 上看到剛剛在 Hacker News 上熱起來的「Onedrive is slow on Linux but fast with a “Windows” user-agent (2016)」這篇,引用了 2016 年在 Microsoft Community 上的討論:「Onedrive for Business open is very slow on Linux (Chrome/Firefox) but with very fast with a "Windows" user-agent」。

Reddit 的「Office 365 Onedrive looks at user-agent to determine performance.」有更多的討論。

因為工作上也會用到 Office 365,也覺得在 Ubuntu 上用起來超級慢,然後看到有使用者也講了 Linux 下的 Google Chrome 也會有類似的問題:

I just tried this same thing--changing the OS in the user agent--on Chome on Linux. The difference really is incredible. Normally I find 365 to be so slow as to be borderline unusable, now it's almost as quick as Google docs. Even the institutional log-ins for my university are faster.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I was testing specifically the web apps for Word and OneNote hosted by my uni. I tried loading them both in normal tabs and ones where I had changed the OS useragent in Chrome's developer panel. The normal tabs hung badly as usual (30+ seconds to load the UI), while the modified tabs loaded very quickly. I tried this several times, but I suppose YMMV.

所以我也拿「User-Agent Switcher for Chrome」加上 IE11 的 user-agent 後測試:

最明顯的差異就是 redirect 變少了,然後開 Word 與 Excel 的速度變快好多 @_@


As Office 365 for Business services(e.g. SharePoint Online, including OneDrive for Business, Exchange Online) are not supported on Linux as shown below, for the best experience, we recommend the operating system listed in the article.

所以只能拿老招出來,把 User-Agent 改成 IE 後就變得超~級~快~

然後最 helpful 的回答是:

Thank you
I go back to Google Apps suite.


檢查瀏覽器是否阻擋不安全的 SSL 連線

在這邊看到可以測試瀏覽器的 SSL 連線,網站在 這邊:

Google Chrome 都有過,但是 Firefox 與 IE11 都還可以連 dh1024... (ouch)