整包故事大概都在「uBOL version updates missing in Firefox add-ons store #197」這邊了。
Raymond Hill (uBlock Origin 以及這次提到的 uBlock Origin Lite 的作者) 被 Mozilla 的 Add-ons Team 亂搞以後不爽,決定徹下 Mozilla Add-ons 平台上的 uBlock Origin Lite,改成自己 host。
先是「#issuecomment-2329365796」這邊提到他收到 Mozilla Add-ons Team 兩封信件,開頭就提到這是 manual review:
Your Extension uBlock Origin Lite was manually reviewed by the Mozilla Add-ons team in an assessment performed on our own initiative of content that was submitted to Mozilla Add-ons.
然後 Raymond Hill 提到三個 Mozilla 亂搞的問題,其中第三個我覺得是第一個的延伸,所以我這邊就只講第一個與第二個。
第一個是 Mozilla 指控他傳輸資料但卻沒有取得使用者同意:
Consent, specifically Nonexistent: For add-ons that collect or transmit user data, the user must be informed and provided with a clear and easy way to control this data collection.
這邊 Mozilla 提出來的檔案是 web_accessible_resources/googlesyndication_adsbygoogle.js。
第二個 Mozilla 指控的問題是放了 minified 的檔案但沒有提供 source:
Sources, specifically Sources or instructions missing: Your add-on contains minified, concatenated or otherwise machine-generated code. You need to provide the original sources, together with instructions on how to generate the exact same code used in the add-on.
這邊 Mozilla 提出來的檔案是 web_accessible_resources/fingerprint2.js、web_accessible_resources/google-analytics_analytics.js、web_accessible_resources/google-analytics_ga.js 以及 web_accessible_resources/googletagservices_gpt.js 這四個。
然後這五個檔案打開來看,完全可以同意 Raymond Hill 說明的,完全看不到 Mozilla 指控的東西。
最後是 Mozilla 的處置方法也超級奇怪,將除了最早的版本以外的所有版本都 takedown,但最早的版本也被 flag 上面五個檔案... 這樣就導致用戶會裝到一堆 bug 的版本,逼的 Raymond Hill 也得把最早的這個版本 disable。
最後他已經講的很客氣了:「I am unable to see this as a mistake」,原文大概是「他媽的你 Mozilla 故意搞事」:
@Rob--W I appreciate you trying to build a bridge, but as much as I have tried over and over, I am unable to see this as a mistake, it takes only a few seconds for anyone who has even basic understanding of JavaScript to see the raised issues make no sense, and that the steps taken (disable all but the oldest version instead of all but the most recent) were the worse for both the extension and new users interested in it.