That code will fail, because article begins with a letter, and not a symbol. How will it fail? The same way it would fail if you’d misspelled article as atirlce. The nested CSS which depends on that particular selector is simply ignored.
That was problematic in cases where :has() contained another jQuery selector extension (e.g. :has(:contains("Item"))) or contained itself (:has(div:has(a))).
The aspect-ratio CSS property sets a preferred aspect ratio for the box, which will be used in the calculation of auto sizes and some other layout functions.
對於圖片來說,這可以用來指定希望 crop 多少的範圍。
作者也有提到以往的 hack 方式是透過 padding 與 calc + var 的方式達到,現在讓瀏覽器直接處理就簡單不少了,這張示意圖就蠻清楚表達想要做的事情是怎麼樣: