這個服務是掛在 AWS Transfer 的名義下 (AWS Transfer for SFTP),這對老系統來說可以省一些事情,不過目前還不支援固定 IP,這樣不太能直接搬上去 (這種老系統常常都是用 IP firewall 擋著):
Q: Can I use fixed IP addresses to access the SFTP server endpoint?
A: No. Fixed IP addresses that are usually used for firewall whitelisting purposes are currently not supported.
Q: Which compliance programs does AWS SFTP support?
A: AWS SFTP is PCI-DSS and GDPR compliant, and HIPAA eligible.
AWS SFTP is available in AWS Regions worldwide including US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon, N. California), Canada (Central), Europe (Ireland, Paris, Frankfurt, London), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo, Singapore, Sydney, Seoul).
最後是價錢,上傳與下傳都要另外收費 (USD$0.04/GB),另外服務本身的 endpoint 也要收費 (USD$0.3/hour,一個月大約會是 $216),跟自己弄比起來好像不怎麼便宜,目前看起來主要是整合了 IAM 與其他機制... 不過這就是賣服務,看自己取捨就是了 :o