看完 AWS 給的 WordPress + CloudFront 指南後...

我覺得還是用 Cloudflare 比較實際... (寫了那麼長,有種負面教材的感覺 XDDD)

AWS 的原文在「How to accelerate your WordPress site with Amazon CloudFront」這邊可以看到。

對照 Cloudflare 的說明:「Using Cloudflare with WordPress」,除了長度外,可以看到一堆設定都包好了:

然後提到比較現實的,Cloudflare 把 domain 掛上去就有不用錢的方案,hmmm...

Amazon EC2 的 CRI 支援一年版本了...

Amazon EC2 的 CRI (Convertible Reserved Instance) 支援一年的合約了:「EC2 Convertible Reserved Instance Update – New 1-Year CRI, Merges & Splits」,這樣彈性再多了一些:

Today we are introducing Convertible RIs with a 1-year term, complementing the existing 3-year term.

不過 CRI 主要是用在需要換 family type 的情境下,如果是已知 family type (像是一般性的 worker 會選 C4 或是剛推出的 C5) 那麼就直接選擇 Regional RI 就好...

基本上就是讓財務操作上多個選擇 :o

Amazon EC2 的 C5 家族...

Amazon EC2 推出新的 instance:「Now Available – Compute-Intensive C5 Instances for Amazon EC2」,官方宣稱這次單位價錢的效能與 C4 相比大約提升了 25%,而極端的情況可以到 50%:

The new instances offer a 25% price/performance improvement over the C4 instances, with over 50% for some workloads.

這次比較特別的是切分方式,是 large、xlarge、2xlarge、4xlarge、9xlarge (咦?) 以及 18xlarge (...)。

然後亞洲區都還沒上 XD

You can launch C5 instances today in the US East (Northern Virginia), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland) Regions in On-Demand and Spot form (Reserved Instances are also available), with additional Regions in the works.

Amazon API Gateway 可以獨立運作了...

Amazon API Gateway 先前一定要跟 Amazon CloudFront 綁在一起 (而且還是很奇怪的 distribution,不是 Price Class 裡面任何一種分類),現在總算可以獨立自己運作了:「Amazon API Gateway Supports Regional API Endpoints」。

A regional API endpoint is a new type of endpoint that is accessed from the same AWS region in which your REST API is deployed. This helps you reduce request latency when API requests originate from the same region as your REST API.

而且這樣一來,如果還是要用 Amazon CloudFront 擋在前面的話,可以自己選擇 Price Class:

Additionally, you can now choose to associate your own Amazon CloudFront distribution with the regional API endpoint.

以前用起來頗莫名其妙的 XDDD

CloudFront 的第 100 個 PoP

昨天還在猜 Amazon CloudFront 的第 100 個 PoP 會在哪裡 (「CloudFront 第 99 個 PoP」),結果今天就開獎了... 是在東京擴充第五個 PoP (加上大阪之後是日本的第六個 PoP):「Amazon CloudFront now has 100 Points of Presence with the launch of its fifth Edge Location in Tokyo, Japan.」。

Our 100th Point of Presence (POP) is also the fifth Edge Location in Tokyo, and our sixth in Japan.

東京擴張的好快... Anyway,這是現狀:

可以看到美國中部的普及率還是偏低,另外缺了非洲... 如果 CloudFront 繼續擴張應該會看到消息。(美國的 PoP 一直有看到在加的消息,比起前幾年是好不少,不過看起來增加的速度還是沒有比其他地區的勤...)

CloudFront 第 99 個 PoP

前陣子在「CloudFront 一直擴點...」看到 98 個了,然後現在宣佈第 99 個... 可以開始猜 CloudFront 的第 100 個 PoP 會是哪邊了 XD:「Amazon CloudFront Announces its 99th Point of Presence with its Second Edge Location in Miami, FL.」。

不過這次是擴增 Miami 的點 (本來就已經有,多增加一個),所以是以 capacity 與 redundancy 為主:

The Amazon CloudFront team is happy to announce its 99th Point of Presence with the addition of a second Edge Location in Miami, Florida.

Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 推出的 Asynchronous Key Prefetch

Amazon Aurora (MySQL) 推出新的效能改善,可以改善 JOIN 時的效能:「Amazon Aurora (MySQL) Speeds Join Queries by More than 10x with Asynchronous Key Prefetch」。

看起來像是某個情況的 optimization,將可能的 random access 換成 sequential access 而得到大量的效能:

This feature applies to queries that require use of the Batched Key Access (BKA) join algorithm and Multi-Range Read (MRR) optimization, and improves performance when the underlying data set is not in the main memory buffer pool or query cache.

其實記憶體還是最好用的加速器,能加大硬拼就先硬拼... XD

AWS 推出 NVIDIA Tesla V100 的 GPU 機種 (P3)

這次從 NVIDIA 推出到 AWS 採用比以前快好多,依照維基百科上查到的資料,Tesla V1000 是六月 21 日推出的,這樣算起來四個月後就上線了:「New – Amazon EC2 Instances with Up to 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs (P3)」。

Today we are making the next generation of GPU-powered EC2 instances available in four AWS regions. Powered by up to eight NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs, the P3 instances are designed to handle compute-intensive machine learning, deep learning, computational fluid dynamics, computational finance, seismic analysis, molecular modeling, and genomics workloads.

P2 是 K80,NVIDIA 推出的時間是 2014 年的十一月了... 這時候拿出新的貨色出來算合理 XD

然後是這幾區有提供 P3:

P3 instances are available in the US East (Northern Virginia), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Regions in On-Demand, Spot, Reserved Instance, and Dedicated Host form.

Amazon Aurora 也支援 PostgreSQL 了

AWS 宣佈 Amazon Aurora 也支援 PostgreSQL 了,相容於 9.6.3 的版本 (應該就是改自這個版本):「Now Available – Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL Compatibility」。


On the performance side, you can expect up to 3x the throughput that you’d get if you ran PostgreSQL on your own (you can read Amazon Aurora: Design Considerations for High Throughput Cloud-Native Relational Databases to learn more about how we did this).

架構上也是採用 6-way replication 的方式:

It is compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.3 and scales automatically to support up to 64 TB of storage, with 6-way replication behind the scenes to improve performance and availability.


You can use Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL Compatibility today in the US East (Northern Virginia), EU (Ireland), US West (Oregon), and US East (Ohio) Regions, with others to follow as soon as possible.

Amazon Device Farm 支援讓使用者直接連上去 debug 了...

Amazon Device Farm 推出這樣的功能又朝著設備租賃服務更進一步了:「Amazon Device Farm Launches Direct Device Access for Private Devices」。

Now, with direct device access, mobile applications developers can use individual devices in their private test set as if they were directly connected to their local machine via USB. Developers can now test against a wide array of devices just like they would as if the devices were sitting on their desk.
