AWS PrivateLink + SaaS 的用法

原來 AWS 搞 PrivateLink 不只要整合自己的服務,還包括非 AWS 的服務:「AWS PrivateLink Update – VPC Endpoints for Your Own Applications & Services」。

簡略的來說,以往的 SaaS 服務大多都是提供 Public IP 讓客戶端使用,對於服務的使用方與提供方來說,當兩者都在 AWS 同一個 region 時,在處理 security group 設定不太方便,所以通常就不會設定... 另外還要注意可以從外部透過 access token 存取服務 (像是有員工離職,但 access token 未必會換掉)。

這次推出的 PrivateLink + SaaS 的組合提供了另外一個選擇,可以把服務藏在內部,安全性比以前好很多:

Today we are building upon the initial launch and extending the PrivateLink model, allowing you to set up and use VPC Endpoints to access your own services and those made available by others.

不過這個機制綁 AWS 綁的更深了...

AWS 推出用 ActiveMQ 架設的服務,Amazon MQ

AWSActiveMQ 包起來賣服務:「Amazon MQ – Managed Message Broker Service for ActiveMQ」。

在 AWS 上已經有 Amazon SQS 這類服務的情況下,應該還是因為 ActiveMQ 的生態更豐富,所以決定支援 ActiveMQ... 光是支援的通訊協定就比自家多很多,有很多應用可以直接接上去:

With Amazon MQ, you get direct access to the ActiveMQ console and industry standard APIs and protocols for messaging, including JMS, NMS, AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, and WebSocket.


Amazon MQ is available now and you can start using it today in the US East (Northern Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), and Asia Pacific (Sydney) Regions.

另外這個服務有提供 free tier,可以讓使用者測試:

The AWS Free Tier lets you use a single-AZ micro instance for up to 750 hours and to store up to 1 gigabyte each month, for one year. After that, billing is based on instance-hours and message storage, plus charges Internet data transfer if the broker is accessed from outside of AWS.

AWS Media Services 推出一卡車與影音相關的服務...

AWS 推出了一連串 AWS Elemental MediaOOXX 一連串影音相關的服務:「AWS Media Services – Process, Store, and Monetize Cloud-Based Video」。

但不是所有的服務都是相同的區域... 公告分別在:

不過這邊還是引用 Jeff Barr 文章裡的說明,可以看到從很源頭的 transencoding 到 DRM,以及 Live 格式,到後續的檔案儲存及後製 (像是上廣告) 都有:

AWS Elemental MediaConvert – File-based transcoding for OTT, broadcast, or archiving, with support for a long list of formats and codecs. Features include multi-channel audio, graphic overlays, closed captioning, and several DRM options.

AWS Elemental MediaLive – Live encoding to deliver video streams in real time to both televisions and multiscreen devices. Allows you to deploy highly reliable live channels in minutes, with full control over encoding parameters. It supports ad insertion, multi-channel audio, graphic overlays, and closed captioning.

AWS Elemental MediaPackage – Video origination and just-in-time packaging. Starting from a single input, produces output for multiple devices representing a long list of current and legacy formats. Supports multiple monetization models, time-shifted live streaming, ad insertion, DRM, and blackout management.

AWS Elemental MediaStore – Media-optimized storage that enables high performance and low latency applications such as live streaming, while taking advantage of the scale and durability of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).

AWS Elemental MediaTailor – Monetization service that supports ad serving and server-side ad insertion, a broad range of devices, transcoding, and accurate reporting of server-side and client-side ad insertion.

引個前同事的 tweet,先不說 Amazon SWF 的情況 (畢竟 Amazon SWF 還可以找到其他用途),倒是 Amazon Elastic Transcoder 很明顯要被淘汰掉了:

這種整個大包的東西是 AWS re:Invent 才有的能量,平常比較少看到...

AWS 推出可以在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 上跑 Microsoft SQL Server 的 AMI

自從 Microsoft SQL Server 宣佈可以在 Linux 上跑後 (參考「Microsoft SQL Server 出 Linux 版...」),就沒看到什麼 Linux 上跑 SQL Server 的消息了... 結果在這波 AWS 的活動上推出了 RHEL 上跑 SQL Server 的消息:「Amazon EC2 now offers SQL Server 2017 with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4」。

SQL Server 2017 is now available for Amazon EC2 instances running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.4 as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the AWS Marketplace. With this release, you can now launch RHEL instances on-demand using SQL Server 2017 Enterprise License Included AMIs without having to bring your own license. SQL Server 2017 on RHEL 7.4 AMI is available in all public AWS regions starting today.


Amazon EFS 推出 File Sync 服務

先前 Amazon EFS 需要找台機器掛上去再同步 (無論是 EC2 的機器還是透過 VPN 將自己的機器接上去),現在推出可以直接把檔案同步進去的服務了:「Sync Files to Amazon Elastic File System Quickly, Easily and Securely with EFS File Sync」。

不過不是所有提供 Amazon EFS 的區域都有,目前只有 us-east-1us-east-2us-west-2 以及 eu-west-1

EFS File Sync is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland) regions, with availability in the EU (Frankfurt) and Asia Pacific (Sydney) regions coming in December 2017.

另外這是有費用的,目前有提供的四區都是 USD$0.01/GB。


Hacker News 首頁上看到的文章,講 Jekyll 一路跟 Amazon S3Amazon CloudFront 接上去的步驟:「Jekyll CBCD Pipeline to the Cloud」。

我看了以後覺得好麻煩 @_@

然後回頭看 Hacker News 上的評論:「Jekyll Static Web Hosting – Deployment Pipeline on AWS | Hacker News」,看到這段:

What a nightmare. I'm sure there are use cases for a setup like this, but this is not the system I'd like to maintain. I use Jekyll because of it's simplicity. I edit my site in my favorite text editor and rsync to shared hosting.

好多人都有同感啊 XDDD

另外有人提到 Netlify 這個服務:

After I discovered Netlify, I'm kind of thinking "why bother". It's free, I just push to my repo and they take care of all the building/publishing/hosting/CDNs, and they're very responsive for support and have high availability. I'm a very happy customer (or rather leech, as I don't pay anything).

下面評價看起來還算不錯,而且有 free tier 可以用,也許可以找機會玩看看...

Amazon RDS 支援更大的硬碟空間與更多的 IOPS

Amazon RDS 的升級:「Amazon RDS Now Supports Database Storage Size up to 16TB and Faster Scaling for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and PostgreSQL Engines」。

空間上限從 6TB 變成 16TB,而且可以無痛升。另外 IOPS 上限從 30K 變成 40K:

Starting today, you can create Amazon RDS database instances for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and PostgreSQL database engines with up to 16TB of storage. Existing database instances can also be scaled up to 16TB storage without any downtime.

The new storage limit is an increase from 6TB and is supported for Provisioned IOPS and General Purpose SSD storage types. You can also provision up to 40,000 IOPS for Provisioned IOPS storage volumes, an increase from 30,000 IOPS.

不過隔壁的 Amazon Aurora 還是大很多啊 (64TB),而且實際上不用管劃多大,他會自己長大:

Q: What are the minimum and maximum storage limits of an Amazon Aurora database?

The minimum storage is 10GB. Based on your database usage, your Amazon Aurora storage will automatically grow, up to 64 TB, in 10GB increments with no impact to database performance. There is no need to provision storage in advance.

AWS Certificate Manager 支援 DNS 認證的方式頒發憑證了

AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) 可以用 DNS 的方式認證了:「Easier Certificate Validation Using DNS with AWS Certificate Manager」。

不過這不同於 Let's Encrypt 在推的 dns-01,而是 AWS 自己定義的方式:

然後文章後面又再次提醒了一次,如果要用在 Amazon CloudFront,必須使用 us-east-1 的 ACM:

Note that your certificate must be in the US East (N. Virginia) Region to use the certificate with CloudFront.

這個方式讓自動化更容易做... 以前需要收信確認,雖然也是可以寫程式硬幹,但就得冒著 AWS 改版造成程式失效的風險。

Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL 版本) 開放到其他區域了

上個月月底才宣佈 Amazon Aurora 推出 PostgreSQL 版本 (參考「Amazon Aurora 也支援 PostgreSQL 了」),不過當時只有少數的四個區域開放 (us-east-1us-east-2us-west-2eu-west-1),還不到一個月的時間就擴張了:「Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL Compatibility Region Expansion」。

不過還是沒有東京與新加坡這兩個台灣比較常用的區域... 看起來都是比較新的 region,但首爾應該也是新的區域啊,不知道怎麼選擇的:

The PostgreSQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora is now available in four additional AWS regions: Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Mumbai). This increases the number of available regions to eight, as the service launched on October 24, 2017 in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland).

ElastiCache 支援 r4.* 了

每年 AWS re:Invent 要到的時候就會有很多新的消息出來,Amazon ElastiCache 的團隊應該也是配合著這一波放出消息:「Amazon ElastiCache Now Supports the R4 Node Family」。

包括了 memcachedRedis 都支援了:

Amazon ElastiCache now supports R4 node types. R4 nodes are optimized for latency sensitive and memory intensive workloads. They come in six sizes, providing 12.3GiB to 407GiB of available in-memory capacity. By setting up a 15-shard cluster for Redis, you can scale up to 6.1TiB of in-memory capacity. For Memcached, you can set up a 20-node cluster to support up to 8.14 TiB in-memory workloads. Equipped with the Intel Broadwell processor, and improved networking, R4 node family offers superior performance over the popular R3 node family.
