AWS Labs 拿 Amazon S3 搞了 Git Remote?還有 AWS CodeCommit 落日計畫...

昨天看到「S3 as a Git remote and LFS server (」這個東西,本來沒仔細看想說拿 Amazon S3Git 的 backend storage 有什麼特別的,但發現是 AWS 自己搞的東西就... 笑出來?:「git-remote-s3」。

先是看到 id=41892890 這個笑出來:

Wow, AWS really wants to get rid of CodeCommit.

但結果意外看到在 id=41890687 這邊提到 AWS CodeCommit 已經進到 deprecation 階段:

Amazon has deprecated Amazon Code Commit, so this may be an interesting alternative.

沒印象啊,但連到 AWS CodeCommit 的網站上可以確認到這件事情,最上頭就看到不接受新用戶的消息:

AWS CodeCommit is no longer available to new customers. Existing customers of AWS CodeCommit can continue to use the service as normal. Learn more

然後點進去看公告,看起來是七月的公告:「How to migrate your AWS CodeCommit repository to another Git provider」。

After careful consideration, we have made the decision to close new customer access to AWS CodeCommit, effective July 25, 2024. AWS CodeCommit existing customers can continue to use the service as normal. AWS continues to invest in security, availability, and performance improvements for AWS CodeCommit, but we do not plan to introduce new features.


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