Hacker News 上的消息「Open Sourcing DOS 4 (hanselman.com)」,原文在「Open Sourcing DOS 4」。
Hacker News 裡面的討論有拉出一些有趣的 source code 註解,不過我比較好奇為什麼是挑 v4.0 而不是其他版本,看說明應該是剛好遇到對的人與對的團體?
A young English researcher named Connor "Starfrost" Hyde recently corresponded with former Microsoft Chief Technical Officer Ray Ozzie about some of the software in his collection. Amongst the floppies, Ray found unreleased beta binaries of DOS 4.0 that he was sent while he was at Lotus. Starfrost reached out to the Microsoft Open Source Programs Office (OSPO) to explore releasing DOS 4 source, as he is working on documenting the relationship between DOS 4, MT-DOS, and what would eventually become OS/2. Some later versions of these Multitasking DOS binaries can be found around the internet, but these new Ozzie beta binaries appear to be much earlier, unreleased, and also include the ibmbio.com source.
這些程式碼主要都是考古分析用了,不知道什麼時候 MS-DOS 6.22 的 code 會冒出來...