這是在 Hacker News 上看到的:「Password may not contain: select, insert, update, delete, drop (uni-lj.si)」,原網站在「Password reset - ID portal」,熱鬧的地方在於原作者 (或是外包商?) 也在 Hacker News 上面回應...

禁止密碼裡面有某些字元還蠻常見的,但這次看到的很有趣 (然後被貼到 Hacker News 上):

Your password must also not contain the following character combinations: script, select, insert, update, delete, drop, --, ', /*, */.

從網域及英文版的介面可以查到這是盧比安納大學的系統,作者 (或是外包) 在 id=39079030 提到了這是上面的要求:

Oooh! I put that string there! It was a request by management, and I still don't know why. This site doesn't store any passwords, it's basically just a nice interface to external account management.

I heard a rumour that some legacy apps have weird validation on their login fields, so students wouldn't be able to log in with passwords containing certain strings. But I don't actually know of any examples.

就... 很好玩?

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