Internet Archive 更新一篇文章,說明前幾天被打掛的事情:「Let us serve you, but don’t bring us down」。
有 64 台機器 (或是 64 個 IP) 從 AWS 打了幾萬 rps 進 Internet Archive:
Tens of thousands of requests per second for our public domain OCR files were launched from 64 virtual hosts on amazon’s AWS services. (Even by web standards,10’s of thousands of requests per second is a lot.)
然後擋掉這些 IP 後恢復正常,但過了幾個小時後又換 IP 被打了:
But, another 64 addresses started the same type of activity a couple of hours later.
找了一下之前有寫過「限制流量的方式 (rate limit)」這篇,裡面提到 Figma 怎麼處理,另外以前自己搞 apache module 後面接 memcached 達到跨機器統計的作法。
就 Internet Archive 的服務來說,是應該要搞個類似的東西來擋,不然可以預期會不斷發生?