前幾天在 Hacker News 上看到「What happens when you leak AWS credentials and how AWS minimizes the damage (xebia.com)」這篇,原文連結在「What happens when you leak AWS credentials and how AWS minimizes the damage」這邊。原文跟 Hacker News 上的寫到東西都頗有趣的,可以分開來講。
12:33:12 – Pushed the credentials to GitHub
12:34:19 – The AWSCompromisedKeyQuarantineV2 policy is attached to the IAM user test-user by AWS
12:34:32 – Various List and Describe calls are made using the leaked credentials
12:35:08 – Received an email from AWS with the subject ‘ACTION REQUIRED: Your AWS Access Key is Exposed for AWS Account 12345678’
可以看到推上 GitHub 後,AWS 在一分七秒後就自動加上 AWSCompromisedKeyQuarantineV2 以減少災害擴大,然後再發信件通知。
這個功能可以參考 GitHub 的文件說明:「About secret scanning - GitHub Docs」。
另外在 Hacker News 上面看到有人直接把 secret scanning 當作 API 串來用 (噗),把在 PyPI 上面掃到的 AWS secret 丟上 GitHub 觸發後續的機制:
I set up a project[1] to automatically leak AWS secrets published to the Python package index, which then triggers the secret scanning process and quarantines the keys[2]
1. https://github.com/pypi-data/pypi-aws-secrets
2. https://github.com/pypi-data/pypi-aws-secrets/blob/main/keys...