在「Stanford Alpaca 與 Alpaca.cpp」這邊有提到 Alpaca 有放出 7B 的 model 可以用,後來 community 也照著同樣的方式訓練出對應的 13B 與 30B 的 model 了,在 Alpaca.cpp 專案的 README.md 有寫怎麼取得。
看起來比較大的限制是記憶體,13B 與 30B 的記憶體建議是 >10GB RAM 與 >32GB RAM,不知道剛好 32GB RAM 跑不跑得動,先拿 32GB RAM 的機器跑看看,如果真的不行的話家裡桌機是 64GB RAM,應該是不會有大問題...
不過 13B 的 model 檔案位置是放在 IPFS 上,透過這幾個 gateway 下載起來都有點慢,有需要的人用 BitTorrent 可能會快一點?
Update:測了一下 13B 的版本:
> Explain FAANG.
FAANG refers to five of America's largest technology companies - Facebook, Apple Inc., Amazon, Netflix and Google (Alphabet). These are some of the most valuable brands in today’s marketplace with a combined value that exceeded $3 trillion as at 2018.
以及 30B 的版本:
> Explain FAANG.
FAANG stands for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google - five of the most powerful technology companies in today's world. These tech giants have become increasingly influential over recent years due to their dominance in various markets such as social media platforms (Facebook), e-commerce websites (Amazon) or streaming services (Netflix).
Can ggml models run on CUDA?