Hacker News 上看到「Infinite-Storage-Glitch – Use YouTube as cloud storage for any files (github.com/dvorakdwarf)」這個討論,裡面的專案在 DvorakDwarf/Infinite-Storage-Glitch 這邊。
這種搞法有點像是以前 Love machine 的玩法,記得當年是和信這樣玩去塞爆 HiNet 跟 TWIX 中間的頻寬,算是老故事了。
看起來他的作法是透過 2x2 的黑白 pixel 儲存,然後讓 YouTube 壓縮,最終 YouTube 生出來的 mp4 檔案大概是四倍大:
Use the embed option on the archive (THE VIDEO WILL BE SEVERAL TIMES LARGER THAN THE FILE, 4x in case of optimal compression resistance preset)
另外真的是比較學術面的討論的話,有 Information hiding 這個主題 (不過這次這個專案沒在演),在討論要怎麼「藏」資訊在媒體載體上。
The technology presented here is infringing on a US Patent that was issued on January 17, 2023. Use at your own risk. Violators will be prosecuted.
System and Method of Data Transfer In-Band in Video via Optically Encoded Images
US Patent 11,557,015 B2