華盛頓郵報怎麼把 Mapbox 換成其他 open source 方案

Hacker News 上面看到「How The Post is replacing Mapbox with open source solutions」這篇,講華盛頓郵報怎麼把 Mapbox 換成 open source 方案,對應的討論在「Replacing Mapbox with open source solutions (kschaul.com)」這邊。

維基百科有提到大概兩年前,2020 年底的時候 Mapbox GL JS 從開源授權換成私有授權了 (也可以參考先前寫的「Mapbox GL JS 的授權改變,以及 MapLibre GL 的誕生」這篇):

In December 2020, Mapbox released the second version of their JavaScript library for online display of maps, Mapbox GL JS. Previously open source code under a BSD license, the new version switched to proprietary licensing. This resulted in a fork of the open source code, MapLibre GL, and initiation of the MapLibre project.


第一個是 OpenMapTiles,下載部份的圖資使用,對於報導只需要某個區域很方便:

OpenMapTiles is an extensible and open tile schema based on the OpenStreetMap. This project is used to generate vector tiles for online zoomable maps. OpenMapTiles is about creating a beautiful basemaps with general layers containing topographic information.

第二個是 Maputnik,可以修改圖資呈現的方式:

A free and open visual editor for the Mapbox GL styles targeted at developers and map designers.

第三個是 PMTiles,可以將圖資檔案塞到一個大檔案裡面,然後透過 HTTP range requests 下載需要的部份就好,大幅下降 HTTP request 所需要的費用 (很多 CDN 會依照 HTTP request 數量收費):

Protomaps is a serverless system for planet-scale maps.

An alternative to map APIs at 1% the cost, via single static files on your own cloud storage. Deploy datasets like OpenStreetMap for your site in minutes.

最後就是 fork 出來開源版本的 maplibre-gl-js

MapLibre GL JS is an open-source library for publishing maps on your websites or webview based apps. Fast displaying of maps is possible thanks to GPU-accelerated vector tile rendering.

It originated as an open-source fork of mapbox-gl-js, before their switch to a non-OSS license in December 2020. The library's initial versions (1.x) were intended to be a drop-in replacement for the Mapbox’s OSS version (1.x) with additional functionality, but have evolved a lot since then.

這樣看起來好像可以用在像 KKTIX 這種下面顯示固定地圖的地方:

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