Intel 用 AVX-512 加速 NumPy 的排序演算法被整合進主線了

IntelAVX-512 加速 NumPy 排序的實做被整合進主線了:「「Intel Publishes Blazing Fast AVX-512 Sorting Library, Numpy Switching To It For 10~17x Faster Sorts」」。

GitHub 的 PR 在「ENH: Vectorize quicksort for 16-bit and 64-bit dtype using AVX512 #22315」這邊,可以看到相關的留言:

This patch adds AVX512 based 64-bit on AVX512-SKX and 16-bit sorting on AVX512-ICL. All the AVX512 sorting code has been reformatted as a separate header files and put in a separate folder. The AVX512 64-bit sorting is nearly 10x faster and AVX512 16-bit sorting is nearly 16x faster when compared to std::sort. Still working on running NumPy benchmarks to get exact benchmark numbers

16-bit int sped up by 17x and float64 by nearly 10x for random arrays. Benchmarked on a 11th Gen Tigerlake i7-1165G7.

有點「有趣」的情況是,AVX-512 在新的 Intel 消費級 CPU 被拔掉了,只有伺服器工作站的 CPU 有保留。而 AMDZen 4 則是跳下去支援 AVX-512...

另外在「Intel Publishes Fast AVX-512 Sorting Library, 10~17x Faster Sorts in NumPy (」這邊當然也有人提到,如果用更廣泛的 AVX2 (寬度是 256bits) 加速的話應該也會有很大的進步才對?幾乎這十年的 CPU 都有 AVX2 了... 不過看起來沒有什麼深入的討論?

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