透過 DNS 找自己 IP、查詢 ASN 資訊以及匯率

Hacker News 上看到「Bizarre and unusual uses of DNS (fosdem.org)」這篇,裡面把 DNS 的各種創意性的服務都整理出來了。原文在「Bizarre and Unusual Uses of DNS」,是今年 FOSDEM 的演講內容,PDF 投影片在「Bizarre and unusual uses of DNS」這邊。

裡面提到兩個服務可以抓自己的 IP address,第一組是 Google 的服務,像是這樣:

$ dig o-o.myaddr.l.google.com txt
o-o.myaddr.l.google.com. 60     IN      TXT     ""

但可以抓到我真正的 IP 是因為我自己有架設 DNS resolver。如果一般用中華電信的 DNS resolver,會出現中華的 IP address 資訊:

$ dig o-o.myaddr.l.google.com txt @
o-o.myaddr.l.google.com. 5      IN      TXT     "2001:b000:180:8001:0:1:10:143"

如果是用有支援 ECSGoogle Public DNS (像是,則是會帶出 ECS 資訊:

$ dig o-o.myaddr.l.google.com txt @
o-o.myaddr.l.google.com. 60     IN      TXT     ""
o-o.myaddr.l.google.com. 60     IN      TXT     "edns0-client-subnet"

這算是技術限制了。另外一方面,OpenDNS 提供的 myip.opendns.com 就沒那麼好用了。

第二個是 Team Cymru 提供的 DNS 服務,可以透過 DNS 查某些 IP 的 ASN 資訊,像是以中華電信 這個 IP 為例:

$ dig txt
;; ANSWER SECTION: 14400 IN TXT "3462 | | TW | apnic | 1997-04-09"

$ dig txt
;; ANSWER SECTION: 14400 IN TXT   "1239 9680 | | TW | apnic | 1997-04-09"

翻了一下,AS1239SprintAS9680 是中華在美國的 ASN。

第三個有趣的是匯率,沒有直接開 public domain 讓大家查,你需要把 DNS 指過去查:

$ dig 100USD-TWD.fx @dns.toys
100USD-TWD.             3600    IN      TXT     "100.00 USD = 3066.41 TWD" "2023-02-26"

Etsy 使用 Vitess 的過程

Etsy 寫了三偏關於使用 Vitess 解決資料庫效能問題的文章:「Scaling Etsy Payments with Vitess: Part 1 – The Data Model」、「Scaling Etsy Payments with Vitess: Part 2 – The “Seamless” Migration」、「Scaling Etsy Payments with Vitess: Part 3 – Reducing Cutover Risk」。

Vitess 是 YouTube 團隊開發出來的東西,試著透過一層 proxy 解決後端 MySQL 資料庫在 sharding 後查詢邏輯的問題。


首先是現代暴力解的能耐,從維基百科可以查到 Etsy 在 2015 年就上市了,但到了 2020 年年底撞到 vertically scaling 的天花板 (這邊是指 GCP 的上限),可以看到現在的暴力法可以撐超久... 如果再多考慮到實體機房的話應該可以找到更大台的機器。

第二個是 Etsy 在 2020 年年底開始從資料庫搬資料,一路到 2022 年五月,算起來差不多搬了一年半,總共轉移了 4 個 database 到 Vitess 的 cluster 上,共 23 張表格與 40B rows。

第三個是利用 Vindexes 這個技術降低 sharding 時所帶來的限制。這個之前沒研究過:

A Vindex provides a way to map a column value to a keyspace ID.

從「Older Version Docs」這邊翻舊版的文件,發現 5.0+ 都有,再往 GitHub 上面的資料翻,看起來從 2016 年的版本就有了,不過當時看起來還一直在擴充:「Vitess v2.0.0-rc.1」。

回來看現在的功能,有 primary vindex 的設計:

The Primary Vindex for a table is analogous to a database primary key. Every sharded table must have one defined. A Primary Vindex must be unique: given an input value, it must produce a single keyspace ID.

然後是 secondary vindex(es) 的設計,指到 keyspace id(s),然後這個資訊會被用在 routing 上:

Secondary Vindexes are additional vindexes against other columns of a table offering optimizations for WHERE clauses that do not use the Primary Vindex. Secondary Vindexes return a single or a limited set of keyspace IDs which will allow VTGate to only target shards where the relevant data is present. In the absence of a Secondary Vindex, VTGate would have to send the query to all shards (called a scatter query).

It is important to note that Secondary Vindexes are only used for making routing decisions. The underlying database shards will most likely need traditional indexes on those same columns, to allow efficient retrieval from the table on the underlying MySQL instances.

然後是 functional vindex 與 lookup vindex,前者用演算法定義 keyspace id,後者讓你查:

A Functional Vindex is a vindex where the column value to keyspace ID mapping is pre-established, typically through an algorithmic function. In contrast, a Lookup Vindex is a vindex that provides the ability to create an association between a value and a keyspace ID, and recall it later when needed. Lookup Vindexes are sometimes also informally referred to as cross-shard indexes.

然後 lookup vindex 還有對 consistent hashing 的支援:

Consistent lookup vindexes use an alternate approach that makes use of careful locking and transaction sequences to guarantee consistency without using 2PC. This gives the best of both worlds, with the benefit of a consistent cross-shard vindex without paying the price of 2PC. To read more about what makes a consistent lookup vindex different from a standard lookup vindex read our consistent lookup vindexes design documentation.

這樣整體看起來,Vitess 把所有常見的 sharding 方式都包進去了,如果以後真的遇到這個量的話,也不需要自己在 application 或是 library 做一堆事情了...

Facebook 使用 AV1 的記錄

Facebook 整理了一份他們採用 AV1 的記錄:「How Meta brought AV1 to Reels」,要注意這邊的產品線是短影片類型。

因為之前剛好也有碰到 codec 這塊,但最後是因為 AV1 在 client 的支援度還跟不上,而選了在 Android 上支援度更好的 VP9

在文章前面有提到 server 端的需求,也就是 encoder 的部份,這是因為 AV1 的 encoding 真的很慢 (i.e. 外星技術),還在每過幾個月就會看到 encoder 技術重大突破的階段,所以得花時間去研究。

Facebook 後來決定用 SVT-AV1,因為效能上好很多 (以他們測試的那個時間點):

At any given point on the y-axis, SVT-AV1 can maximize encoding speed compared with any other production encoder. For example, the M8 preset is about as efficient as libvp9 preset 0, but M8 is almost 10 times faster.

而在 client 端的 decoder 部份,他們評估了 dav1dlibgav1 之後,選擇用 dav1d (iOS 與 Android 都是):

Two major open source software decoders are compatible with multiple platforms: dav1d was developed by VideoLAN and the open source community and can serve as an app-level decoder, while Google’s libgav1 is integrated into the Android SDK.

[W]e decided to integrate dav1d into the player for both iOS and Android platforms.

但在軟解的情況下只能解 720p30,然後中高階的才能解 1080p30,不過這對於短影片來說夠用:

dav1d can support 720p30 real-time playback on most of the devices in our sample, achieving 1080p30 on certain mid-range and high-end models.

所以就 Facebook 目前提供的資料來看,這部份還沒到輕鬆應對的情況,還得繼續看各家 library 的進展...

用 YouTube 影片當作免空的方式

Hacker News 上看到「Infinite-Storage-Glitch – Use YouTube as cloud storage for any files (github.com/dvorakdwarf)」這個討論,裡面的專案在 DvorakDwarf/Infinite-Storage-Glitch 這邊。

這種搞法有點像是以前 Love machine 的玩法,記得當年是和信這樣玩去塞爆 HiNetTWIX 中間的頻寬,算是老故事了。

看起來他的作法是透過 2x2 的黑白 pixel 儲存,然後讓 YouTube 壓縮,最終 YouTube 生出來的 mp4 檔案大概是四倍大:

Use the embed option on the archive (THE VIDEO WILL BE SEVERAL TIMES LARGER THAN THE FILE, 4x in case of optimal compression resistance preset)

另外真的是比較學術面的討論的話,有 Information hiding 這個主題 (不過這次這個專案沒在演),在討論要怎麼「藏」資訊在媒體載體上。


GitHub 自己開發的搜尋引擎

前陣子 GitHub 發了一篇文章,說明自己開發搜尋引擎的心路歷程:「The technology behind GitHub’s new code search」。

看了一下其實就是自己幹了一套 search engine cluster,然後針對 code search 把一些功能放進去。

目前這套 search enginer 還是 beta 版本,全站兩億個 repository 只包括了 4500 萬 (大概 22% 左右),然後已經有 115TB 的程式碼了;另外也題到了先前導入 Elasticsearch 時的數字是 800 萬個 repository:

GitHub’s scale is truly a unique challenge. When we first deployed Elasticsearch, it took months to index all of the code on GitHub (about 8 million repositories at the time). Today, that number is north of 200 million, and that code isn’t static: it’s constantly changing and that’s quite challenging for search engines to handle. For the beta, you can currently search almost 45 million repositories, representing 115 TB of code and 15.5 billion documents.

目前是 32 台機器,沒有特別提到記憶體大小,也沒有提到 replication 之類的數字:

Code search runs on 64 core, 32 machine clusters.

然後各種 inverted index 與各種資料在壓縮後只有 25TB:

There are some big wins on the size of the index as well. Remember that we started with 115 TB of content that we want to search. Content deduplication and delta indexing brings that down to around 28 TB of unique content. And the index itself clocks in at just 25 TB, which includes not only all the indices (including the ngrams), but also a compressed copy of all unique content. This means our total index size including the content is roughly a quarter the size of the original data!

換算一下,就會發現現在已經是「暴力」可以解很多事情的年代了,而這已經是全世界最大的 code hosting。

以前隨便一個主題搞大一點就會撞到 Amdahl's law,現在輕鬆不少...

「SMS 認證」被電信商 (以及第三方) 拿來套利的市場

Hacker News 上看到「Twitter Lost $60M a Year Because 390 Telcos Used Bot Accounts to Pump A2P SMS (commsrisk.com)」這篇,內文報導是這裡:「Elon Musk Says Twitter Lost $60mn a Year Because 390 Telcos Used Bot Accounts to Pump A2P SMS」。


而這邊提到的 SMS pumping 的方式就是電信商自己做,或是電信商與第三方合作,利用各種發簡訊的方式 (內容不重要),讓 app 端要付出大量的簡訊成本,進而產生出大量的利潤。

Twilio 的「SMS Traffic Pumping Fraud」這頁就有這張圖:

簡訊的特點是很好 scale,你無法同時間接大量的電話,但可以同時間收大量的簡訊。在「SMS Fraud is costing you more than you realize」這邊也有提到這個問題。

這個問題在去年年底在我們自家的服務上就有看到跡象 (東南亞市場頗明顯),當時搜尋有一些討論,而現在看起來 Elon Musk 這次吵應該又會有更多熱度...

話說這樣演化下去,SMS 認證的退場又多了一個理由,除了 SS7 在資安上的安全問題外,看起來成本問題也會跑進來。

華盛頓郵報怎麼把 Mapbox 換成其他 open source 方案

Hacker News 上面看到「How The Post is replacing Mapbox with open source solutions」這篇,講華盛頓郵報怎麼把 Mapbox 換成 open source 方案,對應的討論在「Replacing Mapbox with open source solutions (kschaul.com)」這邊。

維基百科有提到大概兩年前,2020 年底的時候 Mapbox GL JS 從開源授權換成私有授權了 (也可以參考先前寫的「Mapbox GL JS 的授權改變,以及 MapLibre GL 的誕生」這篇):

In December 2020, Mapbox released the second version of their JavaScript library for online display of maps, Mapbox GL JS. Previously open source code under a BSD license, the new version switched to proprietary licensing. This resulted in a fork of the open source code, MapLibre GL, and initiation of the MapLibre project.


第一個是 OpenMapTiles,下載部份的圖資使用,對於報導只需要某個區域很方便:

OpenMapTiles is an extensible and open tile schema based on the OpenStreetMap. This project is used to generate vector tiles for online zoomable maps. OpenMapTiles is about creating a beautiful basemaps with general layers containing topographic information.

第二個是 Maputnik,可以修改圖資呈現的方式:

A free and open visual editor for the Mapbox GL styles targeted at developers and map designers.

第三個是 PMTiles,可以將圖資檔案塞到一個大檔案裡面,然後透過 HTTP range requests 下載需要的部份就好,大幅下降 HTTP request 所需要的費用 (很多 CDN 會依照 HTTP request 數量收費):

Protomaps is a serverless system for planet-scale maps.

An alternative to map APIs at 1% the cost, via single static files on your own cloud storage. Deploy datasets like OpenStreetMap for your site in minutes.

最後就是 fork 出來開源版本的 maplibre-gl-js

MapLibre GL JS is an open-source library for publishing maps on your websites or webview based apps. Fast displaying of maps is possible thanks to GPU-accelerated vector tile rendering.

It originated as an open-source fork of mapbox-gl-js, before their switch to a non-OSS license in December 2020. The library's initial versions (1.x) were intended to be a drop-in replacement for the Mapbox’s OSS version (1.x) with additional functionality, but have evolved a lot since then.

這樣看起來好像可以用在像 KKTIX 這種下面顯示固定地圖的地方:

Intel 用 AVX-512 加速 NumPy 的排序演算法被整合進主線了

IntelAVX-512 加速 NumPy 排序的實做被整合進主線了:「「Intel Publishes Blazing Fast AVX-512 Sorting Library, Numpy Switching To It For 10~17x Faster Sorts」」。

GitHub 的 PR 在「ENH: Vectorize quicksort for 16-bit and 64-bit dtype using AVX512 #22315」這邊,可以看到相關的留言:

This patch adds AVX512 based 64-bit on AVX512-SKX and 16-bit sorting on AVX512-ICL. All the AVX512 sorting code has been reformatted as a separate header files and put in a separate folder. The AVX512 64-bit sorting is nearly 10x faster and AVX512 16-bit sorting is nearly 16x faster when compared to std::sort. Still working on running NumPy benchmarks to get exact benchmark numbers

16-bit int sped up by 17x and float64 by nearly 10x for random arrays. Benchmarked on a 11th Gen Tigerlake i7-1165G7.

有點「有趣」的情況是,AVX-512 在新的 Intel 消費級 CPU 被拔掉了,只有伺服器工作站的 CPU 有保留。而 AMDZen 4 則是跳下去支援 AVX-512...

另外在「Intel Publishes Fast AVX-512 Sorting Library, 10~17x Faster Sorts in NumPy (phoronix.com)」這邊當然也有人提到,如果用更廣泛的 AVX2 (寬度是 256bits) 加速的話應該也會有很大的進步才對?幾乎這十年的 CPU 都有 AVX2 了... 不過看起來沒有什麼深入的討論?

WebKit 要支援 nested CSS 了

從龍哥這邊看到的消息,WebKit 要支援 nested CSS 了:

原文在「Try out CSS Nesting today」這邊,就是這樣的寫法:

.foo {
  color: green;
 .bar {
    font-size: 1.4rem;


比較特別的是在 nested CSS 中不支援 element 的指定:

main {
 article { ... }


That code will fail, because article begins with a letter, and not a symbol. How will it fail? The same way it would fail if you’d misspelled article as atirlce. The nested CSS which depends on that particular selector is simply ignored.


main {
 & article { ... }


拿 JupyterLab 生一些圖

先前看到「Python Data Visualisation」這篇就在研究要怎麼在 Linux 桌面環境下用 Python 搭配 Altair 生圖,在寫一些文件的時候會方便一些。

但先前一直卡住 (不是生不出來,而是流程不順),所以就放在 browser tab 上面一直沒動。直到前幾天看到 JupyterLab Desktop 改版,想說來看看改得如何:「Introducing the new JupyterLab Desktop!」。

先講一下結論,安裝不算太困難,界面也不差 (畢竟是重點),但 interface bug 很多,常常按下去沒反應 XD

第一次跑的時候我先把 Python 的環境指到 pyenv~/.shim/python3


import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data

source = data.stocks()



然後輸出圖表的右邊的 menu icon 展開後可以選 Save as PNG 存成圖片。

雖然不能直接存到 clipboard 方便我直接貼到 Imgur,但至少可以先打磨出想要的圖,再輸出成檔案處理...