月初 AWS 宣佈東京區有 u-12tb1.112xlarge
可以用了:「Amazon EC2 High Memory instances with 3, 6, 9, and 12TiB of memory are now available in Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region」。查了一下 on-demend 的價錢是 $131.733/hr,如果一個月以 720 小時來算,要 $94847.76/mo...
沒記錯的話,這種機器應該是要另外申請 limit 才能開,沒辦法說測就測。另外在公告裡面有提到 savings plan ,但沒提到 RI (reserved instance),不確定是不是還沒開 RI 讓使用者買 (不過我記得 savings plan 好像也有類似的折扣結構):
Starting today, Amazon EC2 High Memory instances with 3TiB (u-3tb1.56xlarge), 6TiB (u-6tb1.56xlarge, u-6tb1.112xlarge), 9TiB (u-9tb1.112xlarge), and 12TiB of memory (u-12tb1.112xlarge) are available in Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region. Customers can start using these new High Memory instances with On Demand and Savings Plan purchase options.