南韓最高法院也對 Web Scraping 給出了類似美國的判例

也是上個禮拜在 Hacker News 上看到的新聞,南韓最高法院對於 web scraping 也做出了類似美國 HiQ Labs v. LinkedIn 案的判例:「Korean Supreme Court Provides Clarity on Web Scraping and Violation of the Relevant Korean Laws, including the Copyright Act and Information Protection Act (Supreme Court, 2021Do1533, May 12, 2022)」,原文似乎已經被 paywall,但可以從 Internet Archive 的「這邊」與 archive.today 的「這邊」讀到原全文。另外在 Hacker News 上的討論「The Supreme Korean court says that scraping publicly available data is legal (lexology.com)」。

hiQ 的案子之前有寫過,可以參考「hiQ 爬 LinkedIn 資料的無罪判決」這邊。


On May 12, 2022, the Korean Supreme Court held in Case No. 2021Do1533 that scraping publicly available data from a competitor’s website does not violate the asserted laws, including the Copyright Act and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (“Information Protection Act”).

比較特別的是在講刑事責任的第三點提到了 read only,不確定是不是反駁原告的立論:

The Supreme Court also found Defendants not guilty of violating the Criminal Code in light of the following findings: (i) the Defendants’ act of scraping did not interfere with information processing on Yanolja’s API server; (ii) the Defendants’ act of scraping did not interfere with Yanolja’s booking business; (iii) the Defendants did not interfere with Yanolja’s business, because its scraping did not modify data within Yanolja’s API server; and (iv) the Defendants lacked mens rea for criminal interference with business, as the Defendants merely intended to collect accommodation information from Yanolja’s API server.


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