剛好在處理 AWS 同一個 region 下不同 AZ 之間的傳輸費用,跟帳單互相比對,查了以後才發現跟想像中不一樣,這邊以 EC2 為例子,可以參考「Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing」這頁裡面的說明。
從 Internet 端進 AWS 的流量是不計費的:
Data Transfer IN To Amazon EC2 From Internet
All data transfer in $0.00 per GB
但從 AZ 進到另外一個 AZ 時,in 與 out 都要收費:
Data transferred "in" to and "out" from Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), and Amazon ElastiCache instances, Elastic Network Interfaces or VPC Peering connections across Availability Zones in the same AWS Region is charged at $0.01/GB in each direction.
所以直接用 US$0.01/GB 的計算是不夠的,得用 US$0.02/GB 來計算。
同樣的,如果是 Public IP 與 Elastic IP 也都是雙向收費,跨 VPC 也是雙向收費,所以都要用 US$0.02/GB 來算:
IPv4: Data transferred “in” to and “out” from public or Elastic IPv4 address is charged at $0.01/GB in each direction.
IPv6: Data transferred “in” to and “out” from an IPv6 address in a different VPC is charged at $0.01/GB in each direction.