AWS 宣佈了一套機制,讓 IPv6-only 的機器可以連到 IPv4-only 的服務:「Let Your IPv6-only Workloads Connect to IPv4 Services」。
首先是 DNS64,針對只有 IPv4-only 的 A record 自動加上 AAAA
record (如果已經有 AAAA
record 的則不變),這邊提到的 64:ff9b::/96
是來自 DNS64 標準內的規範:
The DNS resolver first checks if the record contains an IPv6 address (AAAA record). If it does, the IPv6 address is returned. The IPv6 host can connect to the service using just IPv6. When the record only contains an IPv4 address, the Route 53 resolver synthesizes an IPv6 address by prepending the well-known
prefix to the IPv4 address.
再來就是 NAT Gateway 可以把 64:ff9b::/96
透過 NAT64 轉到 IPv4 network 上:
You may configure subnet routing to send all packets starting with 64:ff9b::/96 to the NAT gateway. The NAT gateway recognizes the IPv6 address prefix, extracts the IPv4 address from it, and initiates an IPv4 connection to the destination. As usual, the source IPv4 address is the IPv4 address of the NAT gateway itself.
由於有些 protocol 會帶 IP address 資訊,所以不能保證 NAT64 一定會動,但大多數的情況應該是可以解決,至少提供了 IPv6-only server 連到 IPv4-only network 上的方法...