前幾天在 Hacker News Daily 上看到的工具:「Exodus」,官方的說明是這樣:
Painless relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their dependencies–without containers.
技術上是把 Linux ELF 檔案搬到其他機器上以外,也幫你把對應的 dynamic library 都一起包進去:
- Finding and bundling all of a binary's dependencies.
- Launching the binary in such a way that the proper dependencies are used without any potential interaction from system libraries on the destination machine.
而 Linux 的 Kernel 因為有儘量維持 ABI compatibility,應該是不會有太大的問題,除非剛好用到新的 API...
看起來是個除了用 static compile 以外的解法,好像可以來弄弄看 FFmpeg?