在 Hacker News 首頁上看到「Cloudflare's Disruption (stratechery.com)」這篇,文章「Cloudflare’s Disruption」這篇其實還好,主要就是分析一下 Cloudflare R2 Storage 在下的棋,真的讓我想寫的是反而是 Hacker News 上的討論...
首先是提到了 S3 -> R2 -> Q1 -> P0 這個:
ksec 36 minutes ago | unvote [–]
^gt; The service will be called R2 — “one less than S3,” quipped Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince in an interview with Protocol ahead of Cloudflare’s announcement
Oh I never thought of that. So the next one is Q1 and final one would be P0.
piaste 33 minutes ago | unvote [–]
And it is likely inspired by the old joke that 2001: A Space Odyssey's HAL was one less than "IBM".
下一個 Q1 是明年了,來看看 2022Q1 會不會有 P0 issue XDDD