看到「(open)rsync gains include/exclude support」這篇才注意到有 OpenRsync 專案...
在 OpenRsync 的網站上是指到 OpenBSD 的 cvsweb 上:「src/usr.bin/rsync/」,不過在 GitHub 上也有一個 repository:「kristapsdz/openrsync」,裡面有提到目前應該是以 OpenBSD 內的 source code 為主:
This system has been merged into OpenBSD base. If you'd like to contribute to openrsync, please mail your patches to tech@openbsd.org. This repository is simply the OpenBSD version plus some glue for portability.
然後有也提到 OpenRsync 主要就是 license 的關係 (rsync 目前是 GPLv3):
This is an implementation of rsync with a BSD (ISC) license. It's compatible with a modern rsync (3.1.3 is used for testing, but any supporting protocol 27 will do), but accepts only a subset of rsync's command-line arguments.
不過在一開始的報導裡面,有人反應軟體與 rsync 的相容性不太好,會搞爆 rsync:
By grey (grey) on 2021-08-31 05:17
Albeit, the last time I was testing openrsync, I discovered I could use openrsync to reproducibly crash rsync on FreeBSD13-CURRENT on a Raspberry Pi 3 and decided rather than try to debug rsync, I would wait for openrsync to mature a bit, I'm grateful to see that it continues to progress!