很久沒出新版的 mosh...

在今天的 Hacker News Daily 上看到 mosh 的連結,看了一下 Hacker News 上的討論,發現原作者有上去跟大家討論一些目前的情況:「Mosh: The Mobile Shell (mosh.org)」。

原作者是 Keith Winstein,在 Hacker News 上的帳號名稱是 keithwinstein,可以用 Ctrl-F 翻一下他回應的東西。


I think the truth is that we don't feel like we need a release. We've never had a security hole, our track record speaks for itself, and I wouldn't really want us to rush anything and blow that. There are some features that it would be really nice to have in a release (like 24-bit color support, and working around a recent MacOS clock bug), but I handed over the maintainership to somebody else about six years ago and that person is currently, I think, dealing with a bunch of stuff (look around the world the last year...). I'm not eager to step back in and bigfoot them -- especially when I'm no longer particularly familiar with the codebase (and recent commits) as I used to be.

Mosh works as advertised and has never had a security hole -- we're pretty proud of that! We'll probably cut a release at some point to add those features (24-bit colors, the MacOS clock workaround) but I'm not feeling like it's urgent enough to upset what I had hoped was a transition plan.

It would feel arrogant to compare Mosh to TeX, but it doesn't seem that crazy to imagine that some software might reach a point where it has accomplished 95% of its goals, and the benefit from adding further features has to be weighed against the risk of introducing a security hole or other regression through further churn. If the TCP specification, or OpenSSH, or TeX, or GNU bash had canonical GitHub repositories, they would probably be full of a bunch of user support issues and inactive PRs too. :-)

看了一下 GitHubContributors 這頁,可能是 cgull

的確是一個很穩定的軟體,在桌機與筆電上面都用了八九年了,解決了網路切換 (或是不穩定) 的問題:「把 SSH 換成 Mosh」。


  • 💬 mosh 1.4.0 出版

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