在 Hacker News 上看到「Summary of June 8 outage (fastly.com)」這邊的討論,連結是 Fastly 官方先發布的說明:「Summary of June 8 outage」。
10:27 Fastly Engineering identified the customer configuration
另外特別提到了 Fastly 的 WebAssembly 與 Compute@Edge,看起來應該就是這邊炸鍋:
Broadly, this means fully leveraging the isolation capabilities of WebAssembly and Compute@Edge to build greater resiliency from the ground up. We’ll continue to update our community as we make progress toward this goal.
我猜基本的資源保護機制應該有上 (像是在程式裡面自己 call 自己之類的,Fork bomb 之類的),可能是這兩個東西互串的某些部份沒有保護到,就一路把資源吃完炸掉。