
看到「Exploiting custom protocol handlers for cross-browser tracking in Tor, Safari, Chrome and Firefox」這個方式,跨瀏覽器收集 fingerprint 追蹤。

這次用的方式是透過 handler 追:

The scheme flooding vulnerability allows an attacker to determine which applications you have installed. In order to generate a 32-bit cross-browser device identifier, a website can test a list of 32 popular applications and check if each is installed or not. On average, the identification process takes a few seconds and works across desktop Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.

最近大家比較常使用到的應該就是 Zoom 從網頁把應用程式帶起來的方式:

而要怎麼偵測的部份,用到了不同瀏覽器的 side channel。

Chromium 系列的部份對應的 ticket 在「Issue 1096610: External Protocol handler anti-flood protection is ineffective and flaky」這邊有被提出來。主要用到的方法是,在遇到有 handler 時,連打兩次時會被擋下:

被擋下後再打都會失敗,所以需要一個方式重設 flag,而內建的 Chrome PDF Viewer 剛好可以重設 flag:

The built-in Chrome PDF Viewer is an extension, so every time your browser opens a PDF file it resets the scheme flood protection flag. Opening a PDF file before opening a custom URL makes the exploit functional.

Firefox 的 side channel 則是可以透過 same-origin policy 測試當作 side channel,對應的 ticket 在「Scheme flooding technique for reliable cross-browser fingerprinting」這邊:

Every time you navigate to an unknown URL scheme, Firefox will show you an internal page with an error. This internal page has a different origin than any other website, so it is impossible to access it because of the Same-origin policy limitation. On the other hand, a known custom URL scheme will be opened as about:blank, whose origin will be accessible from the current website.

Safari 上的問題與 Firefox 一樣,不過沒登入看不到 ticket (也懶的註冊了):

You are not authorized to access bug #225769. To see this bug, you must first log in to an account with the appropriate permissions.

另外,雖然 Tor Browser 底層是 Firefox,但因為有改變預設值,所以攻擊者也得換方法:

Tor Browser is based on the Firefox source code, so the Same-origin policy trick was used here as well. But because Tor Browser does not show pop-ups, we used the same-origin policy trick with iframe elements instead.


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