這次 Amazon EC2 的機器又推出一些新規格了:「Amazon EC2 High Memory Instances now available for on-demand usage」。
然後每次推這些機器的時候都會提到 SAP HANA,都沒有其他的例子可以說... 話說業界就只剩下這套系統是完全都沒在考慮分散式架構嗎 XDDD (完全沒用過)
SAP customers continue to leverage AWS as their platform of choice and innovation. Some are in the early stages of their SAP cloud journeys and are focused on executing their migration. Others have hardened their SAP systems on AWS and are innovating around their core business processes with advanced AWS services.
另外他有提到 24TB 的機器,在 Amazon EC2 Instance Types 這邊可以翻到 u-24tb1.metal
In 2018, we released High Memory Instances in response, which now offer up to 24TB of memory in a single instance.
不過你會發現在 Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing 這邊翻不到 24TB 的價錢,先前在「EC2 推出 18TB 與 24TB 的機器...」這邊有過這些機器買三年 RI 才能用,所以這次推出來 12TB 的機器算是隨時租用的機器裡面記憶體最多的了...
在 us-east-1
的價錢是 USD$109.2/hour,想要玩的人可以測試看看,至少應該玩的動 XD
SAP HANA 當然可以群集運作啦,但是你每台都要這種大記憶體才能組叢集(另外說一下 SAP HANA 建議最低記憶體也要有 128G,正常資料量底下每台節點都要有 256-512G 記憶體才能跑得快)