Amazon EC2 提供跨區直接複製 AMI (Image) 的功能

Amazon EC2AMI 可以跨區複製了:「Amazon EC2 now allows you to copy Amazon Machine Images across AWS GovCloud, AWS China and other AWS Regions」。

如同公告提到的,在這個功能出來以前,想要產生一樣的 image 得重新在 build 一份:

Previously, to copy AMIs across these AWS regions, you had to rebuild the AMI in each of them. These partitions enabled data isolation but often made this copy process complex, time-consuming and expensive.

有一些限制,image 大小必須在 1TB 以下,另外需要存到 S3 上,不過這些限制應該是還好:

This feature provides a packaged format that allows AMIs of size 1TB or less to be stored in AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) and later moved to any other region.

然後目前只有透過 cli 操作的方式,或是直接用 SDK 呼叫 API,看起來 web console 還沒提供:

This functionality is available through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and the AWS Software Development Kit (AWS SDK). To learn more about copying AMIs across these partitions, please refer to the documentation.

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