GTA Online 釋出官方修正,大幅改善啟動效能

看到「GTA Online load time fix released, shaves off actual minutes of waiting for some」這邊的消息,先前在「GTA 的啟動讀取效能問題」這邊提到 GTA Online 啟動速度很慢的問題,官方正式推出修正版本了:「GTAV Title Update 1.53 Notes (PS4 / Xbox One / PC)」。

抓了一些在 Reddit 的討論「Loading Times Have FINALLY been patched - Discussion Thread」。

這則降的比率與當時 workaround 的修正差不多:

Insane. GTA menu -> GTA: Online.

Dropped from 7 minutes to 1:57

i7-2600k,GTX1070,16GB RAM and the game is on HDD.

這個就有點誇張了,這是 90% 吧?

Dropped from 5-8 minutes to 35 seconds

這個差不多 70%~80%:

Loading time 2m 20s for online directly from steam. Before it was like 8-10 minutes for me. Damn

Edit: 50s for story mode. 35s from story mode to online. So it seems it's still faster to load into online from story mode.

這個也差不多 70%:

From 4-5 minutes to 1 a minute and 22 seconds. Y e s p l e a s e

然後 PS4 的版本原來也受到一樣的影響?

Currently tested on PS4 , from main menu to online : 3min 45 sec From story mode to online: 1min 20sec (😩 i can't tell for sure )

整體看起來是正面的,畢竟大家等這個問題等超久了... 另外也可以看出來當初的 workaround patch 其實相當精準的把問題都解掉了,官方的修正並沒有快更多。

來繼續關注 libc 那邊的問題...

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