Akamai 也推出了 Key-Value 服務 EdgeKV

沒介紹過 Akamai 的一些架構,先講到 Akamai 的 Edge 端 Serverless 架構是 EdgeWorkers,跑的是 JavaScript:

EdgeWorkers lets developers just code — integrating into existing CI/CD workflows and enabling multiple teams to work in parallel using JavaScript. EdgeWorkers eliminates the hassle of managing compute resources and building for scale.

然後這次推出的是 EdgeKV,目前還在 Beta 版:「Serverless Storage at the Edge (EdgeKV Beta)」。

如同名字所說的,架構上 Key-Value 架構,放棄了 CAP theorem 裡面的 C,改走 Eventual Consistency:

EdgeKV uses what is known in distributing computing as an eventual consistency model to perform writes and updates. This model achieves high availability with low read latency by propagating data writes globally. The period of time it takes the system to distribute data globally is called the “inconsistency window”.

隔壁 Cloudflare Workers KV 也是 Eventual Consistency (出自「How KV works」這邊):

KV achieves this performance by being eventually-consistent. Changes are immediately visible in the edge location at which they're made, but may take up to 60 seconds to propagate to all other edge locations.


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