Using T4g instances you can enjoy a performance benefit of up to 40% at a 20% lower cost in comparison to T3 instances, providing the best price/performance for a broader spectrum of workloads.
不過目前公司的主力還是在新加坡區,而且還有 RI 在跑,等有了 t4g 之後再把一些東西丟上去測看看,然後找時間換過去...
這次看到的是針對 TLS 實做上的問題產生的 Raccoon Attack,反正先取個名字就對了,原圖有點大張,設個 medium size 好了 XDDD:
Why is the attack called "Raccoon"?
Raccoon is not an acronym. Raccoons are just cute animals, and it is well past time that an attack will be named after them :)
OpenSSL assigned the issue CVE-2020-1968. OpenSSL does use fresh DH keys per default since version 1.0.2f (which made SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE default as a response to CVE-2016-0701).
Firefox 直接拔了 DH 與 DHE 相關的 cipher suite,反正在這次攻擊手法出來前本來就已經計畫要拔掉:
Mozilla assigned the issue CVE-2020-12413. It has been solved by disabling DH and DHE cipher suites in Firefox (which was already planned before the Raccoon disclosure).
Microsoft assigned the issue CVE-2020-1596. Please refer to the Microsoft Security Response Center portal.
回到攻擊手法,這次的問題是因為 DH 相關的實做造成的問題。
TLS 要求去掉 premaster secret 裡開頭的 0,造成會因為開頭的 0 數量不同而實做上就不會是 constant time,所以有了一些 side channel information 可以用:
Our Raccoon attack exploits a TLS specification side channel; TLS 1.2 (and all previous versions) prescribes that all leading zero bytes in the premaster secret are stripped before used in further computations. Since the resulting premaster secret is used as an input into the key derivation function, which is based on hash functions with different timing profiles, precise timing measurements may enable an attacker to construct an oracle from a TLS server.
然後一層一層堆,能夠知道 premaster secret 開頭是不是 0 之後,接下來因為 server side 會重複使用同一組 premaster secret,所以可以當作一個 oracle,試著去計算出更後面的位數:
This oracle tells the attacker whether a computed premaster secret starts with zero or not. For example, the attacker could eavesdrop ga sent by the client, resend it to the server, and determine whether the resulting premaster secret starts with zero or not.
Learning one byte from a premaster secret would not help the attacker much. However, here the attack gets interesting. Imagine the attacker intercepted a ClientKeyExchange message containing the value ga. The attacker can now construct values related to ga and send them to the server in distinct TLS handshakes. More concretely, the attacker constructs values gri*ga, which lead to premaster secrets gri*b*gab. Based on the server timing behavior, the attacker can find values leading to premaster secrets starting with zero. In the end, this helps the attacker to construct a set of equations and use a solver for the Hidden Number Problem (HNP) to compute the original premaster secret established between the client and the server.
Is TLS 1.3 also affected?
No. In TLS 1.3, the leading zero bytes are preserved for DHE cipher suites (as well as for ECDHE ones) and keys should not be reused.
看起來是使用 3D 印表機生出配件,然後用 ArduinoCore-sam 開發軟硬體的部份,目前的系統可以在 2K 解析度下跑 120fps:
The Relativty firmware, which powers the actual physical device, is based on ArduinoCore-sam. So in addition to the Relativty Motherboard, it is compatible with Arduino Due or any other board equipped with a processor that supports the ArduinoCore.
Relativty headset runs a 2K dual-display at 120FPS. However, because of the open nature of Relativty you can use any display as long as your computer is able to handle it. From more affordable 90Hz 1080p screen to 4K panels.
不過不知道反應延遲有多高,偏高的話會有 3D 暈的問題,在網站裡面沒提到,我猜應該會是痛點... 另外看起來是想要商業化,頁面下面有 hiring 的資訊,先觀望看看好了?
The UKUSA Agreement is an agreement between the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to cooperatively collect, analyze, and share intelligence. Members of this group, known as the Five Eyes, focus on gathering and analyzing intelligence from different parts of the world. While Five Eyes countries have agreed to not spy on each other as adversaries, leaks by Snowden have revealed that some Five Eyes members monitor each other's citizens and share intelligence to avoid breaking domestic laws that prohibit them from spying on their own citizens. The Five Eyes alliance also cooperates with groups of third-party countries to share intelligence (forming the Nine Eyes and Fourteen Eyes); however, Five Eyes and third-party countries can and do spy on each other.
昨天早上看到「AVIF has landed」這篇,提醒我有 <picture> 這個原生支援的方式可以用,翻了一下 Can I Use 上面的支援程度,看起來除了 IE11 以外幾乎都支援了 (參考「Picture element」),而且 IE11 應該也會因為語法的關係走到正確的 JPEG fallback,大概是這樣:
Traffic coming from Applebot is identified by its user agent, and reverse DNS shows it in the * domain, originating from the net block.
另外 User-agent 也可以看出:
Mozilla/5.0 (Device; OS_version) AppleWebKit/WebKit_version (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/Safari_version Safari/WebKit_version (Applebot/Applebot_version)
Some fun facts:
- Applebot was originally written in Go (and uncovered a user agent bug on redirects, revealing it's Go origins to the world, which Russ Cox fixed the next day).
- Up until the release of iOS 9, Applebot ran entirely on four Mac Pro's in an office. Those four Mac Pro's could crawl close to 1B web pages a day.
- In it's first week of existence, it nearly took Apple's internal DNS servers offline. It was then modified to do it's own DNS resolution and caching, fond memories...