Amazon Lightsail 也推出 CDN 服務了:「Amazon Lightsail now offers CDN distributions to accelerate content delivery」。
這個服務是用 CloudFront 為底:
This native service, called Lightsail CDN, is backed by Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Web Services’ CDN platform that uses a global network of servers in over 200 locations across 42 countries to store and deliver your content throughout the world. Lightsail CDN distributions can be created and configured with just a few clicks for a low, predictable monthly price, and you can get started for free.
看了一下價錢,免費方案可以有 50GB/month,一般自己架個 WordPress 之類的 blog 應該是可以涵蓋在內。
付費方案中,USD$10/month 可以給 200GB,但 USD$35/month 只能給 500GB?這邊是用愈多愈貴,沒看懂這個定價方式啊...
但看起來是有不少機會比 CloudFront 便宜 (如果非歐美的流量不少的話),再來就是 Lightsail CDN 這邊沒有列出每個 request 的費用,所以應該是不算這塊?這樣小檔案很多的話應該也是個選擇?
Amazon Lightsail 一直拿 AWS 自家東西出來市場上打架,現有的 VPS 不知道會怎麼提供類似的方案,搭 Cloudflare 嗎?或是找 Fastly 這些服務搭?(不過話說回來,Fastly 的牌價好貴 XD)