Intel 的 RDRAND 爆炸...

在正妹 wens 的 Facebook 上看到的,IntelRDRAND 因為有安全漏洞 (CrossTalk/SRBDS),新推出的修正使得 RDRAND 只有原來的 3% 效能:

從危機百科上看,大概是因為這個指令集有 compliance 的要求,所以這個安全性漏洞必須在安全性上修到乾淨,所以使用了暴力鎖硬解,造成效能掉這麼多:

The random number generator is compliant with security and cryptographic standards such as NIST SP 800-90A, FIPS 140-2, and ANSI X9.82.


As explained in the earlier article, mitigating CrossTalk involves locking the entire memory bus before updating the staging buffer and unlocking it after the contents have been cleared. This locking and serialization now involved for those instructions is very brutal on the performance, but thankfully most real-world workloads shouldn't be making too much use of these instructions.

另外這個漏洞早在 2018 九月的時候就通報 Intel 提了,但最後花了超過一年半時間才更新,這算是當初在提 Bug Bounty 制度時可能的缺點,在這次算是比較明顯:

We disclosed an initial PoC (Proof-Of-Concept) showing the leakage of staging buffer content in September 2018, followed by a PoC implementing cross-core RDRAND/RDSEED leakage in July 2019. Following our reports, Intel acknowledged the vulnerabilities, rewarded CrossTalk with the Intel Bug Bounty (Side Channel) Program, and attributed the disclosure to our team with no other independent finders. Intel also requested an embargo until May 2020 (later extended), due to the difficulty of implementing a fix for the cross-core vulnerabilities identified in this paper.

回到原來的 bug,主要還是 Intel 架構上的問題造成大家打得很愉快,現在 Intel 這邊的架構對於資安研究員仍然是個大家熱愛的地方... (因為用的使用者太多)

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