在「OS/2 on Virtualbox guide」這邊看到在 VirtualBox 上裝 OS/2 的指引,引用的文章在「OS/2 on Virtualbox Guide」這邊。
另外文章的作者有提到,有試著在實體機器與其他的 VM 環境裝 (這邊提到了 QEMU),不過結果不太行:
Note: On real hardware, or on other VM platforms, I have found OS/2 to be extremely fragile. When I installed it on my real P1 and P3 Dell machines, I had to reboot multiple times during the setup and driver install processes due to hangs, and I had a ton of issues with random errors on boot.
I also tried all this on QEMU 4.2.0 and had very similar problems, and I had developed some very negative opinions about OS/2's reliability before I switched to Virtualbox and found that it was actually quite solid and the installs went very smoothly.